View Full Version : Anxiety getting worse - no treatment in sight

19-06-13, 11:07
I had a nasty episode of anxiety and depression back in December 2012 where I was signed off work for a week and a half. My doctor noted that I needed treatment and referred me to KCA New Thoughts. They assessed me and diagnosed me as severely depressed and severely anxious and said that I need High Intensity Treatment. I would have thought with that diagnosis I would receive treatment pretty soon.

It's now June and I haven't had a single appointment.

I was reassessed recently and am now moderately anxious and mildly depressed. That's good... but my anxiety is back.

I've been in contact with my local MP because I found out the waiting list for ANY treatment through New Thoughts will take a year, which is disgusting. He agreed to look at my case but I asked for the whole service to be reviewed. I got an email today saying that the GP Commissioning Group take control over healthcare in my area but he will forward my email to them.

Unfortunately I don't think much will happen. I had a look at their proposals and with £314million funding only £24million will go to mental health services, that's 7.6%. No wonder why New Thoughts are overwhelmed with patients!

I feel completely deflated. I'm struggling again with my anxiety, I'm getting horrific dreams, disturbed sleep, chest pains, the whole thing. I don't know what to do anymore :(

19-06-13, 11:19
Sorry to hear your plight Rennie. Have never heard of KCA New Thoughts. Is that an NHS service?

It might not feel like it but you always get through it, no matter how bad it is, you come out the other side. :hugs:

could you access counselling in the meantime?

19-06-13, 11:28
It is provided by the NHS for Surrey.

It's not the feeling of not getting through it, I know I will, it's just the constant relapses. I just want to be able to think clearly and not be dominated by anxiety and paranoid thoughts. I need help, I've needed it for 10 years, and I just feel like someone's dangling it in front of me but it's too far to reach.

I think counselling is under New Thoughts too, so I won't be able to use that either.

19-06-13, 17:36
Mental Health services are way behind the times. It's been a relatively silent population population over the years so the services haven't naturally grown or adapted. But hopefully this will change in time.

There will be other counselling services available. Sometimes churches or other organisations do free counselling, or cheaper counselling. Have a fish around in your area and see what you dig up. Might be worth it just to relieve a bit of pressure.

While you're waiting on your referral have you tried 'mindfulness'? I have found it helps relax and it helps with distancing yourself from thoughts rather than being dragged in by them.