View Full Version : Health anxiety, driving family mad!

19-06-13, 14:55
Hi. I'm a 26 year old female. I've always suffered with various obsessional problems focussed around my health. I have over the years managed to get control, but after my mum became recently ill I've kicked it all off again. I found this site after turning my google symptom searching into something less terrifying, and found the forums on health anxiety really helpful.

Hoping to get some support and reassurance really, because my family and boyfriend are just about ready to murder me! (Not really, but they're sick of hearing about my supposed health problems).


19-06-13, 15:00
Sorry to hear your struggling. This is a good site with plenty of info xx

19-06-13, 15:29
Thanks :)

19-06-13, 17:32
Hi. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

21-06-13, 03:27
I do exactly the same. Drives my Ma' and girlfriend crazy! The tip is to keep busy, keep doing something; like a hobby. The longer your brains active the better because it doesn't have time to make things up or over analyse normal symptoms. I realise this isn't always possible but certainly helps me! It's just going to sleep that's the problem :mad:

23-06-13, 19:12
Yes, sleep time is the worst! I'm trying to stop asking for reassurance. It's making me feel a bit better actually. Kind of making it less real in my own head, rather than discussing it over and over!

24-06-13, 17:54
im sorry your having trouble but your not alone this is a great place