View Full Version : Petrified

19-06-13, 15:37
loose stools and my clothes are getting baggy. they used to be tight but seems I am losing weight around my stomach --one side of stomach is bigger than the other and it never used to be like that. I can see how one side is bigger than the other clothes getting baggier but weight is stable..noticed today that they are getting baggy as my stomach is getting thinner

. also got swollen gland and skin is peeling off 2 week after a sunburn--headcahe as well

been for FBC and am waiting but am petrified and think this is the end
just want to run away

19-06-13, 21:18
I understand the terror that real symptoms can bring, but do your best to trust that the docs will fix you if anything is actually wrong. If your weight is stable then that's a very good sign; is it possible you're imagining the baggy clothes? Loose stools are very common with anxiety. Is it your left side you think is swollen? That could be a spleen thing; normally very fixable as far as I remember (thought I had a spleen thing for a while). Whatever the problem, if there is one, please don't assume it's something deadly. Most of the time it isn't.

21-06-13, 12:49
yeah left side is definitely more fatter than the right...have lost 2lb in last days according to scales
got the blood tests and all okay
but it just gets worse and worse
got sunburnt 3 weeks ago and just started peeling for no reason not a week after but 3 weeks, thats not normal never happened before. it keeps happening every morning. never seen anything like it
add to the fact my hands are getting bonier especially the knuckles where you can see all the bones sticking out now and keep getting headaches at back of my head and waking up sweating and I am in a bad place

also it looks like blood in my urine, if you get blood is it bright red and you can see it? looks a tad pink then it has been yellow

someone please answer me I just feel screwed.. I kow I sound like a nutter but this is driving me mad

21-06-13, 12:57
Hey, i'm sorry you're having a bad time of it. Me too. I have lost 9lb in three weeks and have stomach pain and back pain every time i eat. Waiting for an endoscpy but i too imagine it's something deadly. I know you can't stop thinking the way you do even when people try to reassure you it's probably something really simple. I got myself so worked up the other day i convinced myself i was unable to swallow for about 5 minutes, then when i calmed down i was fine. The sunburn thing sounds normal to me? I suppose it can be a bit like bruises, i often bang my arms and legs and forget then a huge bruise will appear sometimes weeks later and i think I've got some kind of blood clot. If you are that concerned go back to the doctors, but i know when you're in that place in your head it's very hard to rationalise things.Not easy but try to stay calm and do something that distracts you. Good luck!

21-06-13, 14:33
Ok several points here, I'll try to make it brief.
Exactly how much weight have you lost in how much time? How long have you been suffering with these symptoms? You mentioned losing 2 lbs, but this is not significant weight loss.
Sunburn will not always peel right away, it depends on the degree of damage to the cells. But this is not something to worry about.
Blood in the urine may produce a red or pink colour although pink urine really indicates that there is very little blood in the urine, which may be due to a scratch in the urethra or a small infection. There are certain medications which can lead to changes in urine colour. If there is blood in urine you should always have this checked.
By the sounds of your other symptoms - such as your hands becoming 'bonier' this may be due to dehydration, especially if you are having frequent, loose stools, but of course this may be due to weight loss too. Again, it is difficult without knowing more background, but from what you say there is not a great deal to worry about.

What does sound odd is your abdomen. When you are describing it, it's difficult to picture. Is there swelling? Do you have a large waist? Is there a noticeable difference in the shape?

21-06-13, 15:49
Compared to my left hand which is okay my right hand is bone and protrudes really badly. never used to be like this. the doctor says its fine but it is definately getting bonier and its come to the point where I dont want to leave the house cos people will notice esp friends I can try and put a photo up so you see what I mean? People think I am going crazy but I can tell for sure that its getting worse


Yes I am overweight and one side of my guy hangs over more than the other really bad, and it never used to be like that. t shirts which used to be tight around the stomach are loose now

my weight is all over the place at one point I put 5lb on in 2 days and now lost 2lb. what I am doing now is eating and drinking more so I dont lose weight

the sunburn is odd as i have never had this problem it normally goes all flakey after a bath but now it was there this morning when i woke up
when i have had sunburn in thpast it never goes like this

21-06-13, 17:42
The sunburn is not something to be concerned about, we do not always react the same to a stimulus. As for the hand, I cannot see any signs of wasting, dystrophy or protrusions. Of course spreading the fingers in the photo of the right hand has made the tendons ore noticeable.

As for weight loss, there is no significant change there, apart from what would be expected in normal daily fluctuations. The fat hanging more on one side of the abdomen than the other, if very profound, is something I have never heard of. I certainly cannot think of any mechanism in health or disease which would cause a phenomenon like that. It's quite normal to have a small, uneven distribution of tissue on each side of the body, and nobody is perfectly symmetrical

21-06-13, 22:10
The sunburn is not something to be concerned about, we do not always react the same to a stimulus. As for the hand, I cannot see any signs of wasting, dystrophy or protrusions. Of course spreading the fingers in the photo of the right hand has made the tendons ore noticeable.

As for weight loss, there is no significant change there, apart from what would be expected in normal daily fluctuations. The fat hanging more on one side of the abdomen than the other, if very profound, is something I have never heard of. I certainly cannot think of any mechanism in health or disease which would cause a phenomenon like that. It's quite normal to have a small, uneven distribution of tissue on each side of the body, and nobody is perfectly symmetrical

appreciate the reply. Problem is I have eaten 3 meals today and am now 3lbs lighter than this morning which makes no sense
contstant headaches last 3 days too. am just a total mess

22-06-13, 10:03
It does make some sense really. Weight has little to do with how much or how often you eat. It is concerned with how many types of nutrient are retained by the body or digested and used. The biggest factors in daily weight fluctuations is water intake and energy usage. Food that is used for energy ends up as carbon dioxide and is breathed out, along with water. You also continue to sweat all day.

Remember of course, that in times of stress, various hormones such as adrenalin and cortisol cause some weight loss as they are catabolic hormones.

22-06-13, 11:21
this is going to sound totally stupid but I am losing weight off my stomach fast. yesterday wasnt that bad but today the t shirt i have on is all wavey and not sticking to the skin like it normally does. It is too big and where the stomach is its all loose, looking at my stomach looks like I have lost a lot of weight last 2 days and I am totally freaking out now. The t shirt is going to lie and I can see my stomach has gotten thinner, I know that sounds crazy but Its true, Looks like weight falling off me

22-06-13, 12:25
Hi nck. First of all I need to say my scales can weigh me different every time I step on them, if I go in a different room I'll weigh about 7lb diff so perhaps thats the case? Try getting weighed in boots or ur pharmacy once a week for a more accurate reading. If you've lost weight you'll notice it more round your stomach as it stores more fat there. How many times have u lost weight and thought "ooh my arm looks thinner?" ' you don't! You will notice it when you put clothes on they'll be looser. As for the smaller stomach at one side, do u have children? My stomach is different at one side since having children
I get bad stomach brought on by anxiety and I also have ibs. Which can mean diarrhoea for me every dauy but it is harmsless/normal with ibs.
Hope ur ok.

22-06-13, 14:37
no dont have children
I can just tell I am losing a ton of fat off my stomach and I dont know what to do. I am to9tally freaking out. ..Way I see it if I am losing fat so fast its really bad surely. You dont lose it this fast unless its bad
not only that wokke up with a really think white coating on my tongue, really thick. Never had anything like it--had white tongue before but this was absolutely covered with with goo

I am totally freaking out and have no idea what to do

---------- Post added at 14:37 ---------- Previous post was at 14:13 ----------

I spent ages scraping my tongue and it was all thick and white. I took a pic even after scraping. is this thrush? http://postimg.org/image/ld8atdiyp/ (http://postimg.org/image/insdbviil/)

23-06-13, 13:18
everything is just getting worse. cant work out why I am not losing weight
even my arm is wasting now


23-06-13, 21:34
reached rock bottom now last 2 days real bad cough
losing weight on stomach and wasting on arms and legs but the scales dont say it....I feel like I am going crazy