View Full Version : Paying for private tests???

19-06-13, 20:53
Hi all. Ok, advice needed......
I am considering asking my GP to refer me for a CT body scan in a PRIVATE basis. This will therefore bit cost them money but may give me piece of mind????
Has anyone else done this??

19-06-13, 20:55
I've had a full body MOT and I've paid for private HPV vaccine, lymes test, no one gets it but if it makes u feel better and u think its money well spent, I don't c why not!

19-06-13, 21:10
Thanks. Did it make you feel better?x

19-06-13, 21:14
Well the problem with us health anxiety lot is that once u rule something out you'll find a reason to worry about something else!
So be careful of that! It was nice to know after a full blood review there was nothing out of normal and I can't say I don't have EVERYTHING now and nor will u but its comforting all the same in my opinion - a doc would say stop feeling the need to self assure, u need to just trust you are ok!


19-06-13, 21:32
I paid for scan years ago, as I was due to go on holiday and nhs was 12 wk wait...it's not cheap, but if you can afford it, then up to you

19-06-13, 22:59
Yeah suppose that's what I'm scared off... MRI head and spine I had in last 4years, plus a chest X-ray and eye ultrasounds!!
Will this cure me.... Prob not.... But may give me quality of life for a bit?

20-06-13, 07:38
To be honest, I wouldn't waste your money. The money would be spent on counselling or therapy to deal with the root problem. One of the main things with HA is that once you get the all clear, you will more than likely find something else to worry about, or want another one in a few months, which can end up in a downward spiral.

20-06-13, 19:14
Thanks mikewales I do understand that! Had a CBT session today and he said similar. Basically: if I do it and all clear, then fine for a while but won't solve problem!
I agree although I also think "what if I don't have it but fine out at a later date that I do have cancer and it could have been detected earlier!?!? Argh!!!

20-06-13, 19:28
Well in theory you could have the scan, and be all clear, and a month later have something developing, so unless you are going to have weekly scans then it probably isn't going to put your mind at rest that much.