View Full Version : banged my head. Dizzy and head hurts. HELP

19-06-13, 21:30
hi all.

At 1pm today I was bending down in the kitchen and when I stood up I hit the right side of my forehead onthe corner edge of the cupboard. it hurt a lot but didn't pass out or anything. it was sore so took 2 paracetamol. After it happened I couldn't stop thinking about it. it was very tender to touch and I started feeling light headed (I had been feeling anxious and lightheaded earlier today also so not sure if it's now because I banged head or not). I felt tender all over the right side of my skull, even away from the site I actually hit it. I kept getting very scared that I had a brain bleed or swelling...

it's 8 hours later and I'm still petrified. I am scared to even try to sleep. I have a raised pink bump on my forehead now but it isn't REALLY bad. my partner is a first raider and says he's not worried but my horrible health anxiety is really bad tonight. I've been bad HA wise for months. the area is sore, feels tender, I'm bit lightheaded (but is it still the panic?), I have a slight headache but at the moment nothing too bad. I've felt bit sick on and off.

I've been managing ok since I hit it, walking ok, shopping etc... just am very scared something like a hemorrhage or swelling is happening,..

please, I'm desperate for advice.


Catherine S
19-06-13, 22:43
Hi Charlotte

Well it wasn't hard enough that you passed out, and even then it doesn't mean there's any damage done. I think the dizziness and lightheadedness is prob down to your high anxiety. The fact that you've been out shopping means you're ok...and well done you for that despite the fear. Your skull protects your brain so that wouldn't be hemorrhaging or swelling so please don't worry about that. You have some swelling and pain because you banged your head basically, nothing more sinister than that.

Take care and always remember to close those cupboard doors before you stand up lol!

20-06-13, 06:26
Lol thanku.

Slept fine last night. Woken up and it still hurts, its so.tender. Also.keep.feeling sharp zaps.of pain in head in random places. Right side feels swollen :( would I know about it by niw (15 hrs later) if something was badly wrong? Wish it hadnt happened. Cant cooe! X

---------- Post added at 06:26 ---------- Previous post was at 06:25 ----------


semper solus
20-06-13, 10:17
I don't think you have anything to worry about you might just have a slight bit of concussion it will wear off. I have banged my head so many times and have the scars to prove it. I had the symptoms of headache, dizziness, feeling sick, brain zaps oh and the bumps. If you had anything seriously wrong with you it would be in the first couple of hours so 15 hours on your still standing that's good news

Try not to worry and as people keep telling me maybe it's time to go out and buy a hard hat!!!

Keep smiling :)

20-06-13, 10:38
I sincerely doubt you have concussion, but you will have quite a bump I would imagine. Get something cold on it nd keep taking the paracetomol. If you get any other symptoms or they get worse then contact your doctor.

21-06-13, 06:31
Thanku so much. Its now been 36 hrs and head is still tight and tender. I feel sick vut havent been sick. I keep feelibg dizzy and shaky. Yesterday morning I went to a+e again... The consultant said. He was 99% aure it was ok but as he wasnt 100% he wanted a ct brain scan. They did.one and it was ok. Ibstillbfelt scared tho because they said "you should come back.if it gets worse". Why?! Now.im frightened sonething WILL happen as this.pain.isnt going. Its.all over my head not just in spot where I hit it. I have to go to my mums today for her bday this weekend and am so scared. What could happen now??? If ct scan was ok 24hrs after injury and now 36hrs later im still worried and in pain, whats likely to happen? I hate this :(.

21-06-13, 11:23
Telling you to come back if it gets worse is not because they think or expect it to. It's simply standard advice for head injuries, as they can be unpredictable. However, I think it's very unlikely that you'll get any other problems with this. What's likely to happen now is the inflammation where you hit it will go down. Sadly with any types of knocks to the head they hurt more than they would anywhere else, so it's easy to think they are worse than they are - not least because of where they are.
I would be incredibly surprised if you had any more problems from this!

21-06-13, 16:14
They said that to me before too when I was scared I had meningitis. Spent the next day compulsively checking my temperature.

If the scan was okay then that's a very good sign. My boyfriend got a concussion a few years back that left him delirious, vomiting and hard to keep conscious, and they didn't even do a scan on him, just kept him for observation overnight. His head still hurt for a good while too.