View Full Version : Random burning smell help!

19-06-13, 21:51
I woke up last nighg around midnight, went to the toilet and all I could smell was burning.
I had to double check nothing was burning, when I realised there wasn't I went back to sleep. Now today I googled, a sin I know and brain tumour came up. How likely is this?
Now tonight I have the same thing.
The only other symptom I have is tinnitus.

19-06-13, 22:11
As you know , you've been posting since 2009 with HA, and your still here, still alive..all those past worries, illnesses didnt happen..
Ive just googled the burning smell, brain tumour...its conflicting information, some sites actually say you lose sense of smell and as such couldn't detect burning smell...
Also it's very rare you get tinnitus associated with a tumour.
I wouldn't get yourself worked up.... But as I'm sure you've been told before, see your gp if your really worried.

19-06-13, 22:14
That happend to me a few weeks ago my daughter said it a sign of a stroke i told her dont be daft lol realy think its an old wives tale

20-06-13, 23:25
Never heard of this being a sign of a tumour. It sounds obvious but could it just have been something burning in a neighbour's house, as it's not happening constantly?