View Full Version : is a panic attack the worst thing you can go through?

19-06-13, 23:08
This may sound ignorant or ott but I would rather be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life than have another one

Catherine S
19-06-13, 23:13
You don't sound ignorant or OTT Chris, panic attacks are horrendous and its the fear of another that turns us into the anxious wrecks we can become because of them. I think we can all relate to how you feel about them. There are worse things in life yes, but panic attacks come close behind. Is it the first attack for you?

19-06-13, 23:18
Thanks, No ive been having them since I was 11, I am now almost 20.

Catherine S
19-06-13, 23:37
Aw Chris, I know how you feel..ive had them a long time too. I don't get them so much now...apparently hormones can make ppl more sensitive to them and Ive got no hormones left now lol! I certainly suffered more with them before a period and even when i was pregnant...a long time ago! I still have my hang-ups and fears and have learned how to cope with alot of them and life can be very restricting because of them, but the out-and-out terror attacks that would send me running out of wherever i was seem to have abated thanfully, but my memories of them are very clear.

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:25 ----------

...and I realise you're a bloke so apologies for the period bit, but hormones affect both genders, and from the age of 11...which is when puberty hits.. it could be one of the reasons that the panics started happening to you maybe?

21-06-13, 00:57
hi chris, you do not sound ignorant at all as i get times where id rather not be around any more as i hate panic attacks so much
you feel alone when you have a panick attack and everything just doesnt feel real, im sure most others who suffer like us would say the same thing as what you said :(
i hope things get better for you
take care :)

21-06-13, 13:59
Have you had a look at CBT4Panic? There's a link in my signiture. Understanding is the antedote to fear.