View Full Version : Why do I worry so much!?

20-06-13, 05:05
Hi everyone, thank you for reading this. I'm always always thinking then re- thinking everything, wrighting everywhere for advice friends ,family, strangers it never ends. How do I stop? How do I just let things go and just be, be happy be " normal" relax even. Anyone have advice??

Thank you!:)

20-06-13, 08:43
Hi tinker,
Stoping thinking is impossible really. It's what your brain does.
The only thing you can really do is be aware of what you are doing when you are doing it.
Worry can be a good thing if there is a problem that can be solved, but often we worry about things we cannot change or about things that we cannot work out, like anxiety.
You can practice recognising when you are doing this unproductive worrying, and then decide to stop or distract yourself.
Have you tried doing a worry period, have read of this

20-06-13, 14:57
Just clicked on to the worried periods. I am going to give it a go by writing things down one by one for the days ahead. I tend to take on other peoples worries as well as my own. Even before I open my mouth, I am waiting for the response I know
I will get from my husband " don't worry about it" and I want to be able to stop him saying it. Thank you Phil:)

23-06-13, 08:31
Ahh i quite like a worry period idea,! My worry period seems to be 24/7 , just wondering if it will actuallly work. Think ill carry a notepad round so i can write down my list otherwise ill be worrying that theres something i forgot to worry about !!