View Full Version : numb/burning sensation on back... now on thigh. MS?

20-06-13, 07:39
Having an MS scare that is really troubling me.

For the past 3 months I have been having this odd numb spot sensation on my left middle back. I first chalked it up to being a pinched nerve from the strain of carrying my almost 2 year old everywhere. Now, I have noticed an uncomfortable burning sensation on my upper thigh/knee. Feels almost sore, or like a sunburn. I am afraid the sensation on my back and burning on my leg are related and that they are early signs of MS.

My sister has MS, and she was diagnosed at 26. I am 25. I also went to the beach last thursday, but my leg is not red. I am trying to rationalize but I am having a very hard time. Hubby is trying to remain patient with me, but I just want to break down and cry in fear.

Any insight?

20-06-13, 08:08
If you are really worried about this, get it checked out. I expect you know from your sister that there are definate tests for MS that will tell you one way or the other. You are bound to worry about MS symptoms having somone close to you that has it, but those symptoms could just as easily be something else. Get it checked, then you will know.

20-06-13, 08:53
I want to. Though these days it's a bit hard to convince the hubby that something is really wrong with me this time and that I need to see the doctor. My health anxiety is quite horrendous.