View Full Version : Avoidance and Safety Behaviours

05-10-06, 22:45
Hi i have come to realise that after spending so many years with anxiety/panic i have now got into real bad habits with avoidance and safety behaviours, for e.g if i go out with my husband in the car i have to sit in the back of the car(a safety behaviour), i cant go shopping anymore(avoidance)i cant walk far from home( a safety behaviour), etc, these have all became a BAD habit for me which i find it hard to break.

As anyone got on advice how to break these habits please.



05-10-06, 22:49
the only way to break them is to do them, it will be hard at first, you will be putting yourself in the firing line so to speak, but its the only way, trust me. you have to force yourself and face the fear head on.

we are all stronger people after having this

05-10-06, 22:53
Andrea I am just the same hun! [:I][}:)]:D

I think the only way is one at a time. Perhaps on a short car journey trip sit in the front and then work up to longer trips etc.

Don't put pressure on yourself you are 'practising' not testing ok!!!

Gradually take this process and apply it to any 'behaviours' that you think need it!

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

05-10-06, 23:22
Hi honeybee. Unfortunately I have to agree with the other 2. The only way to face it is to do it. Gradual exposure to overcoming these problems is best to build ur confidence. Unfortunately it is facing these fears and discarding our safety blankets is what us anxiety sufferers find so hard. If only it was as easy as the advice we all give, none of us would be here as we would have all overcame it. It will be hard but 1 step at a time. Good luck!

06-10-06, 08:22
Hi Andrea

I used to only go out with someone cos I was scared on my own but I realised I couldnt always have an escort so gradually worked on doing for myself. It is sooooooooo hard but it worked and I am getting so much better, but I do think slowly is the best way to go, dont push yourself too hard, tackle one situation at a time.
The results are worth the effort in the end.
Good luck to you, I am sure you will do great :D

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

06-10-06, 22:46
Thankyou all for your kind advice, i geuss your right its graduall exposure, habits that you have had for a long time are going to be hard to break, but like you all say i will have to work on one thing at a time.




06-10-06, 23:01
Hi andrea,

I agree gradual exposure, one thing at a time!

Hugs to you


08-10-06, 16:31
Hello Andrea, yes I know how you feel. Been on this road (so to speak) for many years too. I have good and bad phases and have beenfighting a bad phase for over a year now, the distances I could walk easily are now v hard but I will NOT give in and am taking small steps forward again. Don't give up, keep taking small steps and youwill make progress. It is so hard though, don't expect fast results but do give yourself praise when you do break those boundaries as you certainly will!

08-10-06, 21:31
Hi Andrea

A little at a time is the best way. Don't expect too much from yourself all at once or you could end up feeling bad about not achieving. Set realistic (small) targets and these will gradually boost your confidence in your ability to beat the anxiety.

I know how you feel, I am currently training myself to gradually take on more and more. Going back to work was really tough, but I have managed many things since that (though I confess others still scare me) but I'm getting there. Recovery at a comfortable slow pace is much more lasting. Every time you achieve something remember to acknowledge it and congratulate yourself!


08-10-06, 23:00
Thankyou Lisa ,Linda ans Lyn,

your kind advice is very much appreciated.



09-10-06, 19:59
Hi Andrea.

I have some issues with things like that and I also had an issue last year where I wouldn't go out anywhere on my own, I could go to school but couldn't go out anywhere else on my own for about 2 months and wouldn't eat much, I ended up losing about 2 stone! (Put it back on now though lol.)

The only way I broke that was to go outside my safety zone and do what I feared, I took a very good friend outside with me that I felt comfortable with and did that a few times each week until I felt safe to go out on my own. Perhaps you could take someone you feel comfortable with to go shopping with you and then go from there?

x x