View Full Version : Squint/Lazy eye

20-06-13, 11:53

Im onto another worry now. When I was a kid I had an op on a lazy eye. Over the last few years my left eye has wondered a bit though. I am aware that I have only ever been able to use one eye at a time (usually my stronger right eye) although I can switch at any time. However I have become more aware of it lately as I have been concentrating on my eyes a lot due to hayfever etc. I am panicking that it is an issue that will keep getting worse now (eyesight and squint). And I also dont know if I am more aware when looking that if im looking out of one eye I can see bits out of my other eye (which is distracting) or if it is a health issue. I had my eyes checked a couple of weeks ago but that wouldnt of checked for this issue. I am hoping i am just concentrating too much but not recognised it before. Sorry if this doesnt make sense but anyone else had or know of this?

20-06-13, 12:57
Try to see your GP and get a referral to an orthoptist or opthalmologist, they are the best people to investigate this. It may be effects of anxiety, which cause visual disturbances, but if this affects you while you are relaxed or if you are having double vision in certain eye positions it could well be a squint.

20-06-13, 18:58
Yep, its definately a squint as I had it repaired as a child and it has come back. However I am always concentrating on it so cant really think about how it is when Im relaxed. Has anyone else got this.
And i think double vision is where you see something twice isnt it, which this definately isnt.
Im just hoping its because im concentrating on it. Can anyone help as I am really panicking at the moment. I swear its always like this where I am looking out of one eye but can see out of the other at same time whilst not actually looking out of it (Concentrating)
I really want someone to see what i mean. I dont want to go gp as it will start me off. And then there would be referalls etc to deal with.

---------- Post added at 17:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:47 ----------

Can anyone help on this

---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 17:02 ----------


20-06-13, 19:07
I have a lazy eye and it gets much worse when I'm tired. As I am getting older it is a bit more bothersome. The optician told me that they don't generally treat them in adults unless they are really causing serious problems, it's just one of those annoying things.

20-06-13, 19:14
You're worrying over nothing! I had a squint op when I was 5 and it didn't fully go until maybe 8 or so. I would usually get it when I was tired. My left eye is stronger than my right eye and probably 95% I use my left eye, if I think about it my right eye feels a bit strange, I can't really see out of it with my vision but I know its there. You could just cover up your dominant eye and read for a while with your weak eye, it will strengthen it up (I did that for a while when younger)

20-06-13, 19:19
I too had a lazy eye diagnosed when i was about 4 years old. They did not do an op back then (i know it makes me sound really old!!) Instead they covered the good eye and made the lazy eye do the work and so made it stronger. All these years later, i still know that my left eye is weaker and my right eye does most of the work although my eyes look fine. When you have a lazy eye it's quite normal for your eyes to switch one to the other when your concentrating, and the optician will have seen this when he tested your eyes. I know exactly what you mean when you say it feels odd. I also find this more worrying when my anxiety plays up. Double vision is where you can see a double image.

If it is really worrying you i would definately contact your Gp and get a referral just to put your mind at rest.

20-06-13, 19:54
Thanks everyone, if concentrating in the strong eye can you still see partly out of the weak eye. I think I've always had it like that. Just always think about it

21-06-13, 17:37
Sorry to go on about this but have been up all night being sick about it. Even diazepam is not helping. I have convinced myself that something is wrong with my brain therefore I not seeing out my eyes like I used to. All I'm doing is concentrating on my eyes and how they work. I can't remember how they are normally as I'm never not thinking about it. I use my right eye normally but done think about how they are used but now whilst I'm looking through it I am aware of my left eye and it means I always worrying about how I'm using them. I hope this makes sense to someone. Now I am so sure my brain is not working right as I have to think about my eyesight all the time. I just wish I could go back to a few days ago. What started it was getting a new car then being aware. Quality of sight is no different and eyes are healthy as just had test.[COLOR="blue"]

I suppose main question I want to ask is for someone with a squint that controls one eye at a time. If concentrating do you notice more about your eyesight and what overseeing out of the eye your not using. Or is it the same as when your not concentrating on it. This is all I need to know as I just want to know if something wrong or its just I'm aware of what I'm looking at.

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:25 ----------

Ive tried to get advise from different sites but no one seems to understand what I mean.

Still so worried

21-06-13, 22:13