View Full Version : Scared to excesice

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 11:57
Ok, so I am fed up with being a stone overweight, but my anxiety has got me scared to exercise - anyone else feel the same as me?

I HAVE ALSO HAD ENOUGH OF THIS FATIGUE, and the headaches.........grrrrrrrrrrrrr, having a bad day, wish the sun would come out for a bit!

20-06-13, 12:03
Did you know that exercise is fantastic for anxiety so I say give it a go - even if it is just a long walk

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 12:18
Hello Nicola,

thank you so much for your email.

I am looking at joining a local Zumba class, but am scared I will kill over, and get chest pains etc, then it might put me off for life!

20-06-13, 14:23
Do it! I am living proof that exercise does not kill you.... even though it can feel like it at times :wacko:! I'd put about a stone on and constantly felt tired and unfit. I needed to do something about it but never did. Then I did something really crazy.... I signed up to do a charity walk up a mountain in Wales (27 miles)! Don't ask me why!! I then had no choice but to join a gym and get my fitness levels up. It was tough at first and I hated it but as the weeks went on I felt fitter, had more energy and my shape was changing. 8 months on I now go to the gym 3-4 times a week, do a zumba class (great fun) and get out walking as much as possible. It really does help with anxiety too. Take it easy at first but stick with it and you'll soon see results. Good luck. xx

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:42
Hello Meche,

Thank you for your inspiration...:bighug1:

I feel tired as well, which certainly don't help one bit - I am 30, 5ft 5 and 11stone 11 -size 14 and really want to be a healthy size 12.

I feel my anxiety is stopping me from getting fit, I always remember doing a keep fit DVD on the WII and felt like I could not relax after.....

WELL DONE YOU - That is amazing and talk about leaping!
