View Full Version : hello

05-10-06, 22:54
Hi i have had panic attacks for 15 years, i became agrophobic, i improved without medication and managed to control the panic attacks when i felt one coming on.......but the last 6month's ive been really bad again i now have anxiety and panic attack's and ive been on medication for 3months propranolol.i feel i can't cope, and im having trouble leaving the house but my husband and mum take me for short walks everyday. i am married with 3 children

05-10-06, 23:17
Hello to u sparkles. I have had anxiety for about 6 years now and have just about had my fill, but im glad u were able to beat it (at least for a while) so there is hope for me yet. Anxiety can be strange and frustrating. It seems to happen at the strangest times and often for what seems to be no reason. I hope you feel better soon and find whatever it was that helped you conquer it the 1st time. It sounds like medication may not be the best solution for u. Im sure ur husband and kids will be there to support u in whatever way they can. There is plenty of advice and support out there and fellow sufferers. Stick in there and hopefully u'll be back on track in no time. Laterzzz.

05-10-06, 23:34
Hi everyone! I'm Melissa from the US. I'm 37 & I have OCD, panic attacks, & 2 kids w/ Tourettes Syndrome. I have had anxiety issues since I was a wee child but was not offically diagnosed until I was 32. If not for my kids being diagnoses w/T.S. I may have never known what my problem was. My self esteem has it's ups and downs but I get through the ebbs and flows of life the best I can. My very good friend Staci also had OCD and anorexia....I tried my best to help her but w/o success she passed away 2 yrs. ago at age 37 she weighed 96 lbs. I miss her awfully bad and have alot of guilt over her death, I wish I would have done more....oh well, I tried. So that is a bit about me & I hope I posted this right.[^] Melissa


Granny Primark
06-10-06, 09:59
Welcome to both sparkles and Melissa,
Sparkles there is hope because you beat the panic before, its great that your mum and hubby are taking you out for walks.
I too suffer from panic and anxiety but with the help and support from my hubby and the encouragement ive recieved from members of this site and also my daughter i have at last been able to go shopping recently.

Melisssa im so sorry about the death of your friend. Please dont feel guilty, Im sure you did the very best you could for your friend.

Take care both of you

06-10-06, 10:08
welcome to NMP sparkles and melissa,

I have panic and anxiety, maybe a little health anxiety thrown in at times also. I hope this site helps you as much as it is helping me, the people here are among the nicest I have ever met and are really supportive.

wishing you all the best

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

06-10-06, 12:43
Hi Melissa and Sparkles,

A big warm welcome to both of you.

Take Care


06-10-06, 14:47
hi sparkles and melissa
welcome to nmp


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

06-10-06, 15:20

welcome to the forum


06-10-06, 18:38

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here and make some new friends too!

x x

06-10-06, 18:46

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

07-10-06, 14:16
Hi Sparkles

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely, supportive people here and get some great advice and help!
