View Full Version : Help – feel terrible!

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 14:47
Help – feel terrible!

OMG, am having the worst day ever ;-( - please someone help!!!

I have just come back from the bank for work and I feel terrible, am only slightly glad to be back in the office, after that torture half an hour.

I have had a headache all day and it does not help that it is so muggy today.

I have not been sleeping well at all lately, and also have a lot of worries at home, that cant be helping all matters.

I have taken a few nurofen and my head does not feel so heavy, but its still present.

I thought that I was having a stroke, my left arm went all numb and also my hand did as well (this lasted about 20 mins), was worse in the bank (obviously the crowds did not help) – it always feels like a need to shake it – I monitored my breathing and it was shallow and deep, which made me panic even more – I thought this is it, going to die in the bank................

Do many of you get the symptoms without having the panic attack?

So so worried ;-(

I know its my anxiety, but I ALWAYS HAVE THE WHAT if which is controlling my life these past few weeks.

20-06-13, 15:03
Aw - please don't be worried. I've been in that position so many times. I don't think I ever had a panic attack though.... just all the crappy symptoms that went with it. I remember one particular day I was in walking through town just having had my hair done for a wedding when I suddenly felt hot, lightheaded and I could feel parts of my body tingling and going numb. How I got home I don't know but I remember sitting on my sofa crying my eyes out thinking I was about to die (if you read back on some of my posts I think I wrote about it as it was happening). All I can say is, it does pass and you will be ok. That's as bad as my anxiety ever got and I'm now in 'remission'! Sending big hugs. xx

Female healthanxiety
20-06-13, 16:16
Hello Meche,

Thank you for replying!!

have calmed down slightly now - I think being so busy and the phone at work has been non-stop has made my symptoms 'lighten' a bit!

I will have a read, as its so nice to get to know people who ave experienced the same thing as me - I used to think I was extreme!

I hope you carry on feeling good Meche x