View Full Version : Partner is getting fed up with me

20-06-13, 18:47
Hey everyone,

I'm having a terrible time at the moment and have never been this bad. I have GAD, severe panic attacks, agoraphobia and now depression to add to the mix. At the moment, I am finding it hard to even get out of bed for any length of time and I have no interest in my painting or anything.

My partner has been wonderful up until now, with the odd 'moment' understandably, but recently, he seems to be pulling away from me because he has never seen me this bad for this long. I am so worried about him and feel that I mustn't say anything to him about how I'm feeling, because if I do, he just gets angry and frustrated with me.

I don't know how to help him - he's not the sort to want to talk about it with anyone.

20-06-13, 19:46
Caramel I totally understand how you feel my husband has just had a go at me because I can't go out at weekends at the moment, I have tried to explain what it is like the fear we feel but he doesn't want to know. :hugs:

20-06-13, 20:02
This is such a frustrating problem. I think a lot of us must experience this with a member of our close family from time to time. I honestly don't know what to say, it's absolutly exasperating!!!! It's sooo hard to explain how bad panic attacks and anxiety are to someone whose never had it. No matter who u are a high flying entrepreneur or a stay at home mum - when it takes hold of you, it takes a hold and there's nothing u can do. It's exhausting, frustrating,debilitating and soul destroying. So it's almost maddening when people see you crumble and they just don't get it OR get angry towards us sufferers. It seems we can understand their confusion and helplessness BUT they can never seem to grasp our complete and utter despair.:mad: ( sorry for non constructive rant ) X

20-06-13, 20:26
Lol, that's quite alright Col :)

It just makes me feel terrible because I'm the cause of all his unhappiness :weep: I just wish I could tell him it will all be ok.

Kim, I'm so sorry that's happened-is he normally supportive? Xx

20-06-13, 20:31
No he just doesn't want to know about it, you are lucky your partner is usually supportive, luckily the rest of my family are really supportive I have three grown up children who are being brilliant. Xx

20-06-13, 20:42
I'm so sorry to hear that, thank goodness for the rest of your family! I'm very lucky there too, as my parents and sister are brilliant. Xx

20-06-13, 20:46
No Caramel your not to blame your GAD is! You have Not chosen to be like this ~ it's like any other illness except its got a mind and time span of its own & people can't physically see it!

Im married but it was my parents who gave me hell about my panic attacks that led to agrophobia. Irony was - I went from being out from 8 - 6-7 pm and everyone telling me to slow down to being housebound. Despite all this my parents just could not accept it?

Sometimes it's not worth repeatedly explaining yourself to some people , no matter who they are X