View Full Version : help me, i can't calm myself

20-06-13, 18:47
i suffer from health anxiety for over an year, specifically head pains that are not really a headache but like a shooting and stabbing pains in my head (not forehead or temples, the back of my head). i had a CT scan a few months a go that came normal and i was really happy and relieved until i found out that MRI is better and now i think that my scan didn't show the tumor i'm afraid i have. i asked my neurologist for a MRI and he told me that there is no way he's going to let me stress over this anymore (cause i had a CT scan also an year before this new one) and told me to visit a psychiatrist and accept my anxiety. i'm trying to, but i can't stop obsessing over the fact that maybe the CT didn't show anything...

20-06-13, 19:35
Unless you pay for an MRI yourself theres not much you can do..
You need to accept you've had 2 CT scans and there's nothing shown up...if it was a tumour then during the time between your 2 scans ,something would have changed and shown up in the latest one..
By now you'd be having all sorts if symptoms if it was a tumour you'd had for a year.

20-06-13, 23:07
I had those shooting pains at the back of my head when I started getting sick/anxious too. Very weird and worrying, but I had an mri and they onky found a fairly normal cyst that they didn't think would be causing anything. The pains had gone away anyway.