View Full Version : lymphoma fear

20-06-13, 20:50
hi all, last winter I got an awfully sore throat and my tonsils swelled right up and it killed me to swallow. The back of my throat became all sore and bumpy looking. Basically, my tonsils have never went back down to their normal size and have like white stains on them. They don't always hurt, but I do get regular sore throats.On top of that I sometimes feel my ears and sinuses are blocked and my eyes are like a bit sticky.

I have been to my GP about 3 times who told me it wasn't mono and that sometimes post-viral infection can rumble on. I have since had a fasting blood test as part of my yearly medication check-up and it was fine. It seems to rumble on and on.

I am now becoming a little bit fixated on the size of my neck glands and think they are bigger than they used to be. I keep prodding and feeling them and also those under my armpits and worry that they are bigger. I am worried about lymphoma and wonder if it is simply a case of becoming a bit obsessive in terms of my health anxiety. it is beginning to get me down.

Can tonsils remain swollen after a bad viral infection and potentially need removing?

Does this sound like lymphoma? I know this sounds stupid but I'm working like crazy at work and have just came in from football. I wouldn't be even up to that if I had lymphoma surely?

This forum has really helped me these past 2 years and there are so many wonderful people on here. I would be really grateful for people's input.

Take care all,


21-06-13, 09:25

21-06-13, 11:19
This doesn't sound like lymphoma, althouh I'd recommend you stop prodding your lymph nodes if you want them to go down! Viral infections are especially tricky for the body to fight. Basically if a cell is infected with a virus the body has to kill the cell. Occaisionally, some viruses can evade the immune response for a while, and many people will be familiar with a cold which seems to drag on.
Tonsils are especially troublesome for some people - recurrent infections are common, especially as they are bombarded with bacteria and viruses all day long. You may be one of those who have particularly sensitive tonsils. Try using saline gargles after eating to help keep them free of bacteria, and report any changes to your GP.

21-06-13, 20:50
Hi Joe, thanks for your reply. I am going to see the GP on Monday just to speak to him honestly about my thoughts. I think I maybe had a bad virus in Winter and not fully recovered from it or it has left my throat a bit messed up.

22-06-13, 07:37
Every morning I am waking up feeling crap. Gooey eyes, mucus in throat and nose - like a virus. I'm worried why I can't shake it off and worry something is wrong with my immune system. Surely if it was, something would hVe been picked up in my yearly bloods?

22-06-13, 09:49
It would have yes. A FBC would do a differential WBC count too. It could of course be due to the change in weather. This can cause viral symptoms in many people.

22-06-13, 09:56
Would fasting bloods include a blood count? I'm guessing all do as a matter of course?

22-06-13, 10:29
Fasting bloods specific for glucose will usually only be for glucose, however virtually all blood tests are done along with a standard blood test, except in a few specific tests. This will generally include iron, RBC and differential WBC counts, platlet counts, ESR, albumin, liver, phosphates, electrolytes, vitamins, etc. It is fairly comprehensive and gives a very good picture of a patient's state of health. Anything which shows up as especially abnormal will require a more specific test.

22-06-13, 13:09
thanks for the info Joe - just having a bit of a slip after doing well over the past year. Tonsils have been permanently swollen since a nasty infection just before Xmas. The GP keeps saying its post-viral and to let time take its course but I'm going to ask to be referred as I want them out as I'm fed up of feeling like rubbish!

22-06-13, 15:24
I've had large glands on my neck since I was a teenager (or at least that's when I first noticed them) - I used to constantly be in fear of lymphoma. On the right hand side of my neck I have one that is 1.5cm and has a few hard nobbly bits around it - but it's been there at least 15 years so I'd be long dead by now.

But I've found a few new ones recently - so I'm starting to worry but it could just be I've not noticed them before.

I always used to get tonsillitis too - but that has thankfully gone away over the past 10 years (I'm 33 now).

Good luck mate hopefully all will turn out well!

22-06-13, 18:27
Something like lymphoma would most probably show up on your blood tests. I think even on a routine blood test. But I am paranoid about things , so I would probably speak to a GP again just to put your mind at ease and maybe just ask for another routine blood test. Bus as I know your glands can remain swollen for a while after infection. Good luck!

22-06-13, 22:21
He knows I suffer from HA and has reassured me. My logical head says the bad throat infection I had over winter has left my tonsils swollen and throat damaged and more susceptible to viruses etc...I hate HA an wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemies

25-06-13, 21:07
Been to see GP Monday and told him how crap I felt. He said with great confidence that I have had a virus which is now post viral and has left tonsils swollen and this in itself can cause symptoms. He said that it will pass in time but given my bloods were fine he told me sending me for "sham" investigations would be pointless.