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View Full Version : Convinced I'm diabetic, but no one is listening to me...

21-06-13, 08:30
I've just experienced my second bout of impetigo in three months (I've never had impetigo before), as well as that my gums are a mess... I'm convinced it's diabetes, but no one is listening to me and no one will do the tests.

Should I be worried? I'm not looking for a diagnosis I know that can't happen, but I'm scared and no one is listening to me :(

Is there a test I can do myself? Should I do a test myself? I'm 24, 5ft 8, weighed anything between 11 stone and 16 stone, (obese until 20 - lost weight to 10 ish stone, then gained back to 14, now down to 12). I don't want impetigo again, it's lonely and scary and scarring :(

21-06-13, 09:39
First of all, diabetes is treatable, so don't be scared, there's diet, medicine, excersise and a lot of things you can do, it won't kill you. I've had this fear too, so I tasted my urine, if it's not sweet you do not have diabetes, cause it'll have to be pretty severe to be causing the things you mention, it would show up in your urine

21-06-13, 09:51
I'm too scared to drink my own wee... I just don't want to be the person with diabetes, and this impetigo is ruining my relationship and my life, it's horrific and isolating :( sorry, having a down day.

thank you for replying.

i love tea
21-06-13, 10:42
Why not go and get tested at a Lloyds Pharmacy? http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/en/info/DiabetesService


21-06-13, 11:06
Agreed, go to a pharmacy and have one. Despite having bacterial infections you haven't mentioned anything which indicates diabetes mellitus, such as high fluid intake/urination or fatigue. However, diabetes as you probably know can be silent for a long time, as can metabolic syndrome, and it's always a good idea to do a test.

21-06-13, 11:21
I wanted to do this but I went in one of them once then had a panic and walked out thinking I was stupid for even going in, and there are none near me open in huors that I can actually access them - I might try going tonight, I just don't want to get there and have another meltdown.

Does anyone else's stress/anxiety have a significant impact on their immune system?

22-06-13, 09:21
Why not go and get tested at a Lloyds Pharmacy? http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/en/info/DiabetesService


Tried to do this... They won't test me because I'm not high risk enough, I scored 3 and I needed to score 16 before they would test me. I'm in a shit place already and this has just infuriated me.

22-06-13, 09:48
Not surrising as I mentioned before you are not displaying any real signs of diabetes. Of course if you lived closer I'd do the test for you myself to help put your mind at rest.

22-06-13, 10:50
They only base it on risk factors, I spoke to them and it seemed that they were gonna do that, so I lied and said I was peeing all the time to, but they solely base their choice on factors such as age, weight, ethnicity and waist size... I'm too young and (now, although most of my life I haven't been) too thin.

Frustrating. Impetigo is really horrible and stressful.

22-06-13, 10:55
Type 2 diabetes mellitus doesn't just happen, it's a response to long-term insulin resistance. Risk factors are fairly accurate in predicting who should have a test. If you were frequently drinking and urinatin, feeling tired, gaining weight quickly and (depending on ethnic origin) over a certain age, you would almost certainly get a test.
In all honesty I think it's highly unlikely that you do have diabetes, and sadly the days when testing could be done simply to put patient's minds at rest are gone as the NHS is suffering a money crisis.

22-06-13, 12:05
Why don't you get the doctor to do a blood test?

22-06-13, 22:14
I know. I understand its primarily my own anxieties, but real-life dramatic symptoms that aren't typically anxiety/depression related are hard to deal with. Thank you for responding, your straightforward and blunt answers have really helped me towards being okay today. I'm steadily getting back my confidence, I just need to worry occasionally.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:41 ----------

Ps. Sorry didn't see your message nomorepanic the doc is just ignoring me and I'm having to see him about more pressing issues currently.

22-06-13, 22:31
Well I'm with Nic on this one too, why not just ask your doctor to do the blood test if only to put your mind at rest???

It shouldn't matter how many issues you're seeing him for at all, just ask him to refer you for the blood test, then make an appointment with the nurse to have the blood taken, I really can't see your doctor objecting as this is such a simple test which takes 5 minutes and can be done at the surgery :)

As I have said a few times before on here, Diabetes is really nothing to be terrified or frightened of, it's really nothing compared to some of the dreadful illnesses that people have to live with these days, I've had it for over 10 years now and nothing dreadful has ever happened to me, in fact, I even forget I've got it until I have to go for my 6 monthly check ups :)

We can get bacterial infections for lots of reasons, diabetes being only one of them, and in any case, that's not how diabetes presented itself to me at all. Maybe you're a little run down, due to stress, that too, can have an effect on your immune system and make you more prone to infections :)

Having said all of that, I'd definitely ask for the blood test just so as you know one way or the other :)

23-06-13, 13:13
Thanks Moosie, I know, I tried to book a doctors appt, first one I can get? Three weeks away. It looks like I'm on my own until then, even then they will take a lifetime to get me an appt with the phleb nurse, who, get this, comes in two mornings a week, so yeah they're really efficient.

It's difficult identifying what's happening through stress and what are real symptoms, everyone I speak to says without the urinating and excess drinking I shouldn't be worried but the possibility that this is just a really long term mild case is what is bugging me. As I said its the prospect of another bout of impetigo that kills me more than anything else. I'm sick of being treated like a leper :(