View Full Version : Restless legs

21-06-13, 09:37
Good Morning all,

Anyone any tips for restless legs, please. I used to get it occasionally, but get it all the time now.

---------- Post added at 09:37 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

Sorry, I have posted this in wrong section.

21-06-13, 11:34
My husband has medication for restless legs, but is all connected to his other ailments. See your GP flori if it is unbearable.
Don't know of any tips to stop it.sorry.

21-06-13, 12:12
Thanks for replying Magic. I sympathize with your husband. It`s so annoying and uncomfortable.
Other ailments I have are asthma and osteoporosis and have meds for that.
Recently been started on calcium, maybe it`s that.

27-06-13, 08:49
Hi flori

Question... Do you wake up with achy tired knees in the morning.
I do and I find it worse in the warmer months I feel like a 90 year old for the first few hours of the day.
A neurologist told me it is RLS

27-06-13, 08:57
Hi Ace,
I`m the same, once Im up and walking a while they are ok.
My whole legs can be achy and tired. It`s horrible, I can`t sit or lie without moving my legs. I read it`s a sign of anxiety too. I mentioned it to cbt therapist on Tuesday but she never commented.

Any tips from neurologist:)

27-06-13, 09:07
once Im up and walking a while they are ok.
My whole legs can be achy and tired. It`s horrible

Exactly the same, It feels like I have ran marathon in my sleep. And after an hour or so my knees and legs feel fine.

And no sorry the neurologist was useless, I seen him over 2 years ago due to advanced muscle twitching in my calf muscles constant 24/7 and all he said is on his report was the doctor can prescribe me something for the RLS.

I will look for my report and see what it was he said.

27-06-13, 09:13
Oh twitching in the calf muscles 24/7 must have been really unpleasant. I hope that`s gone now.

Thanks for looking for report.

27-06-13, 09:20
No my twitching is still with me and it has been constant for over 2 years (looks like snakes moving under the skin).

It was very worrying at first when you google it but I have learnt that sometimes it is just a common thing... Something I just have to live with

Btw do you get Jerks in your legs that is still unpleasant to me make my whole body jump as if someone has just pumped some electric into my body.. I keep on wondering if I'm going to have a seizure or something :-/

27-06-13, 09:47
And I thought I was bad with restless legs !

Yes I get the leg jerks too. It`s so annoying, it just stops me from being able to relax at night, which adds to the anxiety, I think.

I settle at night to watch tv, then it starts, so I find myself getting up every 5-10 minutes or so.

27-06-13, 10:43
Mine started again last night and I have not had it for a few years.

It does drive you mad as well.

interestingly I am a bit stressed at the moment - more so than I have been for a long time - so I wonder if there is a connection there.

27-06-13, 11:27

I think it`s related, anxiety is either causing restless legs or restless legs are causing anxiety, if that makes sense.