View Full Version : Fear of going crazy/Fear of developing Schizophrenic

21-06-13, 09:46
Lately, I've been experiencing really intense anxiety based on the fear that I could be going crazy, losing touch of reality, going schizophrenic, that there's something going on more than just anxiety and depression. I suffer from health anxiety also, where I feel like i'm constantly going to have a heart attack or die suddenly or have some sort of deathly illness causing me to have this much anxiety, however that hasn't been my major issue lately. It's the mental side of things, where I feel like I completely am losing control of my mind or developing schizophrenia (WHICH REALLY TERRIFIES ME). Can anybody give me some advice on this or is/has going through this that can help me out? I've dealt with the health anxiety for about 3 years now but this mental/fear that i'm crazy anxiety is new and it has me shaken..

21-06-13, 15:41
Hi mate, the things that you are fearing are absolutely common symptons of many anxiety sufferers, let me assure you your absolutely not going crazy nor will you ever go crazy, and you will not develop schizophrenia.
Your thoughts are bombarding you when you are at your weakest already feeling terrible from your other symptons.
Stay positive, keep living, try not to avoid uncomfortable situations, take it day by day, it will pass but you have to be patient.
You have nothing to worry about as far as your mental health it's just your anxiety messing with you.

21-06-13, 20:39
Absolutely common so put it out of your mind now.

My first ever panic attack was brought about by this fear. It'll still spook me today even thoug I know it's not real. It's anxiety looking for whatever spooks you. What if this. What if that.
Solution is to distract and forget. If you're thinking it over, you're doing wrong thing. Think of something else and never entertain the suggestion again.
If it pops into your head think of something else. It's presence and impact on you is proof only that you suffer from anxiety.

22-07-13, 09:36
I have this to its horrible.......and scary!!!!!!!

I also have nasty intrusive thoughts about hurting my toddler (which has broken my heart), Prozac started the thoughts, I was put on them but shouldnt have been!!!! But its like my mind is now scarred and I keep having them now :( I feel like im going to loose my mind/go crazy/mad/should be locked up etc etc etc and thoughts just spiral out of control.....

22-07-13, 10:38
That's my biggest fear too. I hate thinking about it, the word alone makes me shiver. But it won't happen, so be assured. Everyone with anxiety worries about these things - wether it's the fear of having a heart attack, the fear of having a brain tumor or the fear of going crazy. It's a never ending spiral unless you decide to put it out of your mind and move on. Easier said than done i know.

22-07-13, 11:00
It won't happen. And just for the record, I shared a house with a guy with schizophrenia when I was a student, one of the best things that ever happened to me. I remember when he told me, thinking, "I mustn't look scared!"

He was one of the kindest, gentlest, most poetic people I ever knew, with a loving heart and a lesson to teach me about mental health issues.