View Full Version : Anxiety over meds

Joe C
21-06-13, 14:07
Hi guys,

After trying all sorts of therapy etc, my GAD has got worse in the last 6 months. The dr has put me on sertraline. I know the worst thing you can do is google stuff like this, but I couldn't help myself. I'm paranoid about living a short life, so when I read about anti psychotic medication shortening lives by decades my anxiety went through the roof.

I know anti psychotics and ssris aren't the same thing but I still can't help worrying


21-06-13, 14:56
I wish I hadn't read this. I'm in my first week.

21-06-13, 15:14
Just take one day at a time and stop googling. I've just started sertraline, in my third week (had two weeks of 50mg now up to 100mg).

This is my second spell on SSRIs, had GAD really badly a couple of years ago and was on Citalopram and Venlaflaxine.

It takes a good 6-8 weeks before you will start to feel better on them so I'm still in early delays.

The side effects I've had have been same as when I was on the other meds, tbh I think a lot them are just the anxiety from reading the leaflet.

You will both be fine you just need to be realistic about how quick you will feel better x

Joe C
21-06-13, 18:47
Thanks chappers. NR I'm sorry I worried you. If it makes you feel better I've just been to see my gp and she assures me sertraline is perfectly safe and taken by millions of people

21-06-13, 18:53
thanks, what a life this can be eh

Its a big step to take them

Joe C
21-06-13, 20:09
indeed, hopefully they will work over time!