View Full Version : Fears getting worse not better

little kyle
21-06-13, 14:23
I started taking tablets what doctor proscribed Fluoxetine 20mg i have been on them for 1 year

HIV, Asbestos fears if anything i feel delusional i be-leave i have got them to fears as stated

i have been tested for HIV loads of times and yet i still be-leave i have got it

I'm getting that depressed im starting to cry lately

And i have lost interest in my appearance

21-06-13, 14:33
I know how you feel mate. You need to change your medication by the sounds of it. Im on citilopram now which helps and Diazapam every now and then.
You literelly have nothing to worry about. The HIV fear is horrible but you do not have it full stop. And you know how bad the asbestos fear for me was. I still worry but we literelly have no grounds as even most people that were covered in it for years have no issues. You have depression and its horrible but thats it. Please go to the doctors and talk about your medication. You will feel so different.

little kyle
21-06-13, 14:36
I will Take your advice willous1

Thank You

02-07-13, 05:58
Keep talking to people, i find it helps. i have HIV phobia too and I'm worried the anxiety will sink me into depression, I'm about to start seeing a psychiatrist, fingers crossed that one day ill look back on this and shake my head at my foolishness