View Full Version : TV commercials

21-06-13, 16:06
Hi everyone,

How are you doing today! It's very rainy here in Canada. I wanted to ask everyone if they too think the same as me. When watching TV and the put commercials on and they have medical commercials on about certain Cancers I know they are there to help people and all, but for people who have Health Aniexty for me it's a trigger for my health aniexty. Anyone else's get this way to? How do you not get worked up from these "commercials"

Take care everyone!:hugs::hugs:

21-06-13, 16:20
Luckily In the UK we don't get some if the adverts I know people get in the US and I'm bit sure if its the same In Canada - we get charity commercials but the ones that freak me out in the states are the ' take this for a headache' BUT you could have a stroke, heart attack, lose all your hair!! How scary are they - I don't think I'd take anything if I saw those 24/7!

21-06-13, 16:23
Oh I know the " side effects" of some medications are crazy, I think I'd rather have the headache thank you very much, rather then all them " side effects"

21-06-13, 16:28
I totally agree. I have a health problem at the moment and there's a particular advert that comes on the tv and radio that comes on all the time at the moment and i keep thinking it's a sign!

21-06-13, 16:31
Yes, I think that way to, that when I "hear" something it must be a 'sign'

21-06-13, 17:00
How stupid is this if I accidentally type a message or something on my phone and accidentally type ms I think it's a sign I have ms!!!

21-06-13, 17:17
I know right I think it's my wild imagination I have.