View Full Version : Can a sinus infection cause this?

21-06-13, 16:49
I've had a stuffy nose and clear phlegm in my throat since March and it won't go away! But most recently, for about a month now, every single time I look down I start feeling very spacey and my eyes feel heavy and weird. I also get head pressure in my forehead and a lot in the right temple and right side of head when I lie down. The bridge of my nose feels really ticklish too, although I'm not sneezing or have a runny nose. It worries me so much because I have brain tumour anxiety. :( does it sound like sinuses?

21-06-13, 16:59
sounds like sinuses to me :) so no worries!

21-06-13, 17:02
Would it go on for this long though? :(

21-06-13, 17:25
Chronic rhinitis or sinusitis can go on for a while. Ask at a pharmacy about a nasal spray, a corticosteroid one such as Beconase, rather than a decongestant.

21-06-13, 17:30
Thanks for the reply :) I have a doctors appointment Monday so I'll speak to him about it.
I just hope all my symptoms are caused by sinuses and not a brain tumour. :( even though I'm not sneezing or have a runny nose, it could still be a sinus problem?

21-06-13, 20:25
My husband suffers greatly with his sinuses and has done for years and years. He never has a runny nose, sneezes, etc, but instead has intense pressure and pain in his face (below eyes, above eyes) and occasionally (we're talking probably once a year) he is able to clear them.

Cranial osteopathy can help with symptoms - it helped my other half but his sinus troubles have always come back so he doesn't really bother anymore, he just lives with it.

I have had sinus infections before which was vile as the pressure and pain in my face was awful, but they do pass. Sometimes they need antibiotics if it's not shifting. See what your doctor says x

24-06-13, 23:44
Exactly what I have had this week, currently on antibiotics for sinusitis and they are doing the job , don't worry , relax , Jesus loves you x

24-06-13, 23:52
Thanks so much for the response. :) hope your sinuses get better!

I have an X-ray booked for next week to see how my sinuses are doing. Hopefully it gives me answers :)