View Full Version : anxiety at night!

21-06-13, 17:00
hi all. Yesterday i had a great day actually. spent the whole day with my kids but as night time came around i started to feel very anxious. its like my body knows as soon as i hit the bed i start to get anxiety. it keeps me up most of the night.. but by morning i seem to be fine. i just dont know why im only having this issue at nighttime. i know im not gnna die, it will be over soon, i know im just having anxeity and panic but i cant stop it. my brain goes crazy at night. just wont stop spinning and overthinking no matter how hard i try!! I dont take anything to help me sleep such as xanax or anything because i like to deal with it without them so i dont have to depend on them to help... but ive been saying that for years lol and i still cant get relief. although through the years ive found i can talk myself down a bit more than in the beginning of my panic issues. i wouldnt wish panic and anxiety on my worst enemy!! :weep:

21-06-13, 18:45
Part of the problem is you expect to feel that way at night, so you do..
My minds active at bedtime too... I try not o go to bed until I'm tired..otherwise you lay there over thinking... But if I am over thinking in bed, I just say to myself 'right, I'm going to sleep now'...and because I do this regular my minds used to switching off then, and I sleep

21-06-13, 18:53
your exactly right! I expect to feel that way at night so it automatically happens. i just cant seem to control it:( and now that i didnt get much sleep last night i feel anxious today because im tired. annoying cycle!!

21-06-13, 19:01
Yes you get what you expect... If you think you'll get Anx ,guarantee you will...
Then lack of sleep causes more Anx.
Tell yourself tonight is going to be different, your looking forward to bed, your not scared of the Anx..

21-06-13, 19:31

I am the complete opposite. Sleep well, so actually look forward to going to bed because I get some respite. My anxiety and symptoms kick in within an hour of waking and continue until I get into bed.

Like the others say, we over think the situation. I know I am ok at night, and hey presto, the symptoms go. You are the opposite. Try and think positive tonight and I'll try and think positive tomorrow morning!!!!

22-06-13, 00:55
good for you:) it sucks not being able to fall asleep ..but then again its also horrible to have anxiety a little after waking till bedtime. i try to think positive and i KNOW that im ok and its just my anxiety but i can feel it in my skin ( feels like ice cold water is running through my veins). ill try my best to think positive tonight and let me know how your morning goes!!!:yesyes: