View Full Version : Anxiety resurfaced

21-06-13, 17:20
Hi all, I would like to apologise right away for the long post.
I started this account quite a long time ago when I was suffering from what seemed to be OCD and intrusive thoughts. I worried excessively about the horrible things that came into my head and I also constantly worried about offending people. I have suffered what I think are panic attacks, which left me in a state.
However, somehow it managed to die down, even though i still carry out the rituals every time I have a 'thought'. I dont seem to have panic attacks over them.
However, the past couple of months I have seemed to be having what I think is anxiety, but it may be just simple stress.
I have been going through my A-levels, which is why i assume it may be just stress.
I think it all started a couple of months back (March), when i had a bit of a health scare. I am a type 1 diabetic and try to control my sugars as much as possible and stay heathy. However, something minor happened health-wise, which i wanted to make sure would not lead to complications, this led to going to the outpatients and turning out to be nothing at all haha! However, I still thought it might be something bad and had anxiety attacks over it, this led to physical symptoms such as buzzing, tingling etc, which i thought might be nerve problems due to my diabetes, however spoke to a doctor and they said anxiety. This then led to anxiety of vision problems, due to seeing floaters, i had an emergency eye exam turned out to be healthy and fine.
I managed to sort of get rid of the anxiety for this and my check-ups at the clinic have all came back healthy.
However, I now have been worrying a lot about the future. I worry about it going wrong and sorry if this sounds ambiguous, but I worry due to the belief that I have done something wrong now, this will impact greatly on my future and if I dont worry about it, then its going to happen, even though i've followed the correct advice and have been reassured.
Just feel like i'm going mad and I don't know if this can comeback, I mean its been years, even though it may be underlying. I am known to be a 'worrier' and 'stress head'.

21-06-13, 18:35
sorry if this sounds ambiguous, but I worry due to the belief that I have done something wrong now, this will impact greatly on my future '.

Done what wrong?

Joe C
21-06-13, 18:51
My friend, I've had very similar experiences to you. If you worry extensively try worry periods. Google is your friend on this, it really works for me.

Also have yOu spoke to a doctor about going on meds/therapy?