View Full Version : Heartburn and sweating?

21-06-13, 20:59
I decided to take a break from my heartburn meds; bad idea apparently. I've had a burning chest ALL DAY and I'm pouring sweat. Whenever you look up 'can heartburn cause sweating' you get 'no that's a heart attack'. But I've had my heart and even arteries looked at and I'm 21 besides.

Does anyone else get sweating with reflux?

21-06-13, 21:23
Sweating is due to stress not the heartburn. As you become anxious over it, especially given the current weather, your sweat glands are excited by noradrenalin.

22-06-13, 00:40
Thanks for the reply; yeah I'm sure stress does play a role, but it's more that the burning is just so persistent it makes me sweat. Or maybe that my stress hormones are so high it's causing both.

But it really does feel like the heartburn causes it. I have hyperhidrosis anyway (genetic crazy sweating) so it does just take less to set me off than most people. It's just that it feels really worrying to be pouring sweat with terrible heartburn all day, especially if I start getting lightheaded on top of everything.

Still, a really burning esophagus surely must cause sweating for other people too? Like nausea can?

22-06-13, 09:54
Nausea again causes sweating mainly due to stress. You have both stress sweat glands and thermoregulatory sweat glands. Unless your body temperature increases, that sweat is coming from the stress glands.

22-06-13, 13:33
Really? I always thought they were the same thing, since hyperhidrosis is triggered by either situation (or sometimes no situation at all). Maybe it's both, then. I assume the heartburn does trigger stress hormones like pain or nausea, and when it's really persistent it makes me feel icky and hot, like a furnace in my throat.