View Full Version : Need to slow down

06-10-06, 10:32
i don't know much about cars, but I know that sometimes they can be running too 'high'- it sounds like it's revving even when you haven't got your foot on the peddle, because it's letting so much petrol through.

That's what I feel like. I feel like I'm running 'high'. I feel like I'm all speeded up and keyed up. All my senses are on a hair trigger, it feels like my metabolism is running very fast, I can't relax, I'm full of adrenaline and primed for action! I have to keep breathing to calm myself down just typing!! Obviously, my mind races and I'm very agitated and irritable.

I suffer from generalised anxiety, which, when I put my foot on the 'peddle' turns into panic attacks. I don't know whether I'm anxious because I suffer from depression and i tend to expect the worst or whether i suffer from depression because I feel deprived of any enjoyment in life because of my anxiety.

At the moment I am starting to see the illness more for what it really is. I know that my thinking is distorted and that I'm seeing things in a very negative way. I know that I am really keyed up, tense and anxious and that there is no need for me to freak out about going into the kitchen or going into town. I can 'imagine' what it would feel like for all the tension to wash away from my body and to feel relaxed and to know that I would feel so much different about situations then.

I know that because of my anxiety and depression I look for things to worry about. I'm much more conscious of my body and the world around me. I ask myself questions such as "how do I know that the world really exists?", "what does the world feel like to someone who's very positive?".

I do feel like I'm starting to wind down, although it's a very slow and bumpy process. I've had generalised anxiety, panic disorder and depression for 4 years. I feel more real now. I don't feel like I have to use my rescue remedy all the time like I used to. I have genuine hope.

It is hard to believe that I will get better and that I won't suffer again, but on the positive side I have really grown whilst having this illness. I'vde discovered that fear isn't an insurmountable roadblock, but an opportunity to grow, I've learnt the imporatance of socialising, I've got sport back in my life, I've discovered voluntary work, I've found an occupation where I feel that I can be satisfied, I'm learning to handle money much better, I'm losing my fear of people, I'm learning the importance of relaxation, I'm learning the importance of lifelong learning, I'm learning to be active rather than passive, I'm learning how to be assertive.....I'm learning so much about myself and techniques that I can use to help myself rather than sabotage myself.

How can I not be a stronger person after this experinece? How can I not be a better person after this experience? Gary Neville (England footballer) said of David Beckham after his red card against Argentina in the Word Cup "He's had to put up with so much since then and he's come through it, what else could he possibly have to worry about?"

I think that about myself. I'm facing the demons that have held me back for so much of my life. If I can overcome them, then what else is there to possibly be scared of?

I do feel that my fear threshold is very low anyway, I'm generally pretty phobic about the world and about life. I need to find a way of pushing that threshold up because it has been that that has been one of the major causes of my persistent depression. I guess there's only one way to do that and that is to face my fears and to see that, not only is there nothing to fear, but there is a buzz to be had from conquering it!!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

Sue K with 5
06-10-06, 12:17
Hi Wifts

Do you know thats actually one of the most insightable posts I have read in a long long time. Thank you for sharing that and thank you for making me realise that some of the changes I am about to make are definately for the best in the long term because up until i read that I was having doubts





06-10-06, 13:33
Thanks Sue *blushing*

On the depression side I've always been very serious- if I watch a comedy I tend to anlayse it rather than let myself go and enjoy it, it's very rare for me to actually laugh! Very often I'm concerned with trying to look 'cool' (especially where women are concerned), whereas I probably just look like a miserable git lol. I'm learning now that the enjoyment that life has to offer is by going for it and not by holding back in case you make a mistake or look foolish. So what!?

I do find it hard being sociable because i can be very flat, sterile and serious and obviously that isn't very attractive. I suppose the way for me to overcome that is to work on my self-esteem, so that I don't clam up and become over-critical, to relax, to be more positive (I can be a sniper and shoot other people down) and to actually listen to people- I know that my attention span is very short and I can actually be quite rude, texting people or looking around when someone's talking to me.

Th reason why I feel particularly excited at the moment is because I see football coaching as a vehicle to so many things. It's going to give me an opportunity to learn and recieved recognised qualifications, it's going to give me the opportunity to meet lots of new people, it's going to teach me about team work and about mental strength, it'll probably give me an opportunity to travel, it can be a well paid job and I'll recieve satisfaction from helping other people.

The big bonus for me is that it doesn't seem difficult to get into. I went for my work experience on wednesday and they said that they are urgently looking for a level 1 qualified coach (a 4 day course which I'm planning on taking in december), I also know that the Bobby Charlton soccer school need coaches (20 mins away), there is the man united soccer school (not sure if that crosses over with Bobby charlton), my local further education college are in need of a coach......

It's possible to branch off too into sports development or sports psychology, I could work with a Uni or leisure centre, I could take my teacher training and work as a sports coach (maybe media teacher as well, as that is my background)...

I've gone from being stuck in a dead end job stacking tins of beans with no way out to having all these possibilities! The only thing that has changed is me.

When I went off sick I was suffering particularly badly with depression and panic attacks- that was two weeks ago. I still don't feel brilliant, but I feel a hell of a lot better.

I know that I very often get myself in situations where I'm not happy, but I feel that there is no escape or that I have to stick with it for somebody else's sake, or I feel that I have to stick with it because otherwise I'm a quitter and I'm just running away from the problem. My advice to anybody who finds themselves in the same boat is to jump ship! I think it's taken a lot of courage for me to finally decide to leave and that I'm actually empowering myself by not taking the path of least resistance. I'm not leaving because I can't hack it, I'm leaving because life's too short to waste it doing a job that I hate for a company that i hate and feeling like a hamster stuck in a wheel week after week, month after month!

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

06-10-06, 18:28
Hi that is just how i feel it's like i am constantly running around at 1,000 miles per hour. Housework, driving D.IY. you name it that's me. i just can't slow down, if anyone has any tips on how please post. I realise it's our anxiety doing this to us, but just knowing it alone does not help much.
Hope this helps in a small way knowing your not alone.


07-10-06, 20:54
Oh my god, i can relate to everything you have said. I could never have put them feelings into words!!


08-10-06, 18:49
hi wifts alot of what you say is just how i feel i find that is how i am running about so much and get so exausted,its took me up till now to remember i need to relax. Theres alot in there were i think im at the moment like seeing the illness for what it is and starting slowly to wind down. It was really good to read this because its just where i am.Wifts we will get there and thanks.tc tracy