View Full Version : awake and filled with doom again

22-06-13, 03:30
so fed up with this it is wearing me down not full blown panic attack but panic and anxiety every time i get a little sleep..whole cycle starts again...friend said I could text but I can't not at this hour and can't get into chat ...feel at end of tether...I cry and beg it to go away...

how will i go back to work when I'm like this but that is where I want to be back to normality

22-06-13, 04:00
There's a relatively new Claire Weekes CD that you might find helpful. These recording are all included on it: Good Morning, Good night, Nervous Fatigue, Moving to Freedom and Going on Holiday.

It's called Freedom from Nervous Suffering. I bought the individual cd's last Spring for a lot more than the new compilation sells for. It's a shame I didn't wait and save over $30 but it helped me a lot when I first started listening to them. Maybe it will help you too. It looks like you can buy the download for only $9.99 from here: http://www.highbridgeaudio.com/freedomfromnervoussuffering.html

22-06-13, 04:25
I'm so sorry you're still suffering :(

With me, it's waking up. Things seem really loud and I get scared by what used to be normal, everyday noises. Sometimes doing something really weird to break your cycle helps. I slapped myself in the face the other day and started laughing at my absurdity. My kid told me to hold a rock yesterday morning and it made me laugh and calmed me down. Now, I sit and imagine it vibrates and sends calming energy. it's a "calming rock". It's a bit weird, but anything you can focus on to change your pattern might help. I say this in the midst of trying things myself so I hope you find what works.

Maybe a ritual to relax you before you go to bed at night so you can change your expectations about what will happen?

~Regina x

22-06-13, 04:58
Hope your feeling ok if your still awake, I know what your going through
I fall asleep for say 20 minutes then wake feeling anxious, racing heart etc
I find chatting to someone helps, but I cannot get into chat either
if your still up, I would love to chat.

22-06-13, 08:40
Hi Sharon
I feel exactly the same as soon as I wake everyday I go straight into panic/anxiety and it doesn't let up all day, just got to point like so many of us that cannot take another day like it. I also worry about getting back to work have been off since May 2nd. Why is this so cruel to us is it to much just to want a normal life. Xx

22-06-13, 23:58
Thank you all for your replies...I am feeling a little calmer this evening but will have to see what morning brings because i was bad for most of day today..have to sit up til early hours though as have to wait for sibling to return from night out...another one!!!

Kim same I have been off since Mid May and I've had enough ...why does it have to kick in in the morning when it stops you functioning...Please let us get there!

laura I will try amazon... Mandshere...I am sorry that I did not get message...but you can always PM and I will get back to you x

Regina I am trying all sorts of things but never sleep for more than a few hours tops and after 6 weeks I despair when it starts again...I am tired and so het up all the time...

Your support has been wonderful...thank you so much x

24-06-13, 02:17
Maybe you have sleep apnea

24-06-13, 22:59
so sorry you are feeling this way but completely understand it is exhausting I try to distract myself not always easy I also sleep with the tv on or my mind really goes crazy hope you feel better