View Full Version : Still new

22-06-13, 11:09
Hi all, just thought I'll post and tell everyone why I am here, I think that I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks,Right this minute I feel bothered, afraid, worried, like I can't think straight, can't concentrate or get my thoughts in control, hard to breath and a slight cold feeling in my chest( don't know how else to describe it). I can't seem to fall asleep, every time I get in bed and lie there for a while, I start feeling closed in, get hot flushes, I then try hard to get to sleep but then i start feeling like I am going to pass out, I normally get like this when I am sick.

It started when I went to hospital and they put me on a drip,I don't know if this "triggered" it or not. I have mentioned it to my doctor but she didn't say much about it. Right now I am not sick or feeling sick so I can't seem to understand why I am anxious.I just don't know what to do anymore or how to calm down.I have had it worse then today, its has made me scream and cry before, but not a sad cry more like "scared as hell, freaked out" kind of cry, please help I don't know what to do,where to go,who to talk to :( :weep:

22-06-13, 11:18
Hi Pieter and :welcome:

I hope you find info on the site that will explain your symptoms.

It sounds as if you are suffering from anxiety. What a shame your doctor didn`t comment on your symptoms and how you feel.

Try reading some of the info on here and maybe a relaxation video. There are lots on you tube.

But if I were you I would be asking my doctor. Better if a diagnosis comes from them.

22-06-13, 11:25
Hi and thank you.

I will sure have a look around and have a look at some videos. I have made a doctors appointment so hopefully this time she will help out :)

22-06-13, 11:37
Your welcome Pieter,

That`s good you have an appointment with doc and I`m sure you will find something on here that will help to calm you a little.:)

23-06-13, 00:13
I think getting bad news about your health can be a trigger or at least play a part in heightening your anxiety levels.
As you were on a drip I'm pretty sure you must have something going on with your health which could be worrying you to the point of high anxiety.
Hang in there stay positive it will get better :-)

23-06-13, 07:33
Hi Clint and thank you for your reply.

I have had some bad news about my health, I am currently not working due to my health and I am on daily painkillers ( codeine phosphate 30mg ) so it might be the bad news and all the stress. I seem to be a bit better and more calm today.