View Full Version : Sickness bug?

22-06-13, 16:15
Anyone who's not read my other posts I've had issues ongoing with my ears for 3 months now and still no answers or cure though I have managed to get my doctor to agree to refer me to an ENT (she said either that or neurologist, almost cacked my pants at the word neurologist :(!)

Anyway on Thursday I woke up with a bad headache, got through the day fine then after work felt really sick. Now I sometimes do when I take my glasses off as everything's a bit blurry but this was worse than normal. Continued feeling this way all of the evening, if I straightened up I'd get a sharp pain in my stomach and instant urge to be sick. My partner made me some toast about 9pm and I only had to put it to my mouth before I ran upstairs to be sick. Now I never sick, or at least haven't been for 4 years other than alcohol related...haha. I was sick another 3 times that eve and couldn't even keep water down.

Slept okay and slept a lot yesterday, think I overslept as got a thudding headache by evening and woke up with it again this morning. Still feeling off and not eaten a great deal but feel like I could be sick again, but I'm too scared to be.

Does this sound like a bug? I'm so scared its related to my ears and its like a tumour that's causing my ear problems and now making me sick :( anxiety is going into overdrive :(

22-06-13, 16:19
My husband & I had the same bug in the last couple of weeks. Same symptoms & it came and went over a period of 2-3 weeks. Don't worry about it :shades: