View Full Version : ladies BC worries plus a load of other fears

22-06-13, 20:26
I've been having the odd bit of leaking from one breast for several months. I stopped breastfeeding a year ago, but I do think it might be milk. My Dr is now sending me for a bloodtest to check my pprolactin levels. I know that elevated prolactin can be caused by a pituitary tumor. If the bloods are clear she will refer me to the breast clinic for a scan. I am so afraid that I have either a brain tumor or breast cancer. I am trying hard to be logical as the Dr didn't seem overly concerned but it's hard. All my other anxieties are back in a major way. My biggest default anxiety which I have posted about before is my kids having autism. I am over analyzing them both like crazy. I have had a horrible virus for the past three weeks and can't shake it off. Am also scared of having ME. Basically I am in complete anxiety overdrive. I feel horrible, like I want to hide away and just do nothing and see nobody.

22-06-13, 20:36
Secreting after breast-feeding is rarely caused by a tumour, but there is a risk. This is understandably concerning, but given a lack of other symptoms and signs it is most likely nothing. Pituitary tumours are benign in the majority of cases. It would not be unusual to have increased prolactin or oxytocin after breast feeding. I'm sorry I cannot say anything more to put your mind at ease, but the odds are in your favour. I hope the results are what you want.

22-06-13, 20:48
Thanks, I know pituitary tumors are mostly benign and I kind of think if it was that wouldn't both breasts be leaking? It's just one. I guess I am more worried about BC. The doctor did a full breast exam and didn't feel anything abnormal but I know something could still show up in a scan. I just feel like everything is so overwhelming at the moment :(

22-06-13, 20:49

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