View Full Version : Hi There, need help, hope I'll find it.

06-10-06, 11:58
Hi to all users, thought I'd just share my experiences as my first post on the site.

I have been suffering from panic attacks for around three years, my personal attacks are light headedness and a fear of fainting, nausea and a fear of being sick coupled with my throat closing up and feeling that it is hard to breath. My first attack was out of the blue in a bar I was a regular in, I was with my girlfriend (now wife) and two of my closest friends. Since then they were infrequent but bubbling under, I started getting them everywhere and when I started getting them at work it really started to be fun! To cut a long storey short around seven or eight months ago it came to a head and I finally admitted to my wife what was wrong with me (I had just got very good at avoidence) I went to my GP and was signed off my work (a pensions case manager for a large financial company). I was prescribed flupentixol and referred to a counsellor. After a few weeks off work I tried to return and all the panic came back. I have ended up leaving work losing my house and moving in with my in-laws, this all started to get me down further and a sunk into a depression. Its not all doom and gloom, I had, apart from not working been living a normal life for the past couple of months, I had been out everywhere and not experienced a single attack, I felt so confident I started going for interviews and last week I was offered a good job in the finance department of a car insurance company. Here's where it gets bad again..... After about ten minutes of joy that I may be getting my life back the anxiety kicked in, I'm now in terror of starting next week and while shopping for new work clothes I had my first full attack for months. I had to go back to my GP and he has presribed propranolol to take the edge off on Monday morning. I feel so much pressure to suceed in this job on Monday and want it to work for the sake of myself and prehaps more so for my wife.

I would love to hear your experiences and advice. Thanks for listening.

06-10-06, 12:25
Hi hipster and welcomr to the forum.We all know what your going through and you will pick up some good advise here.Panic attacks are horrid but you can get over them.You have gone through a really bad time lately,but the new job is a new start,try not to feel pressured pet,its a goal.Anxiety is an illness like any other illness.You will find great support here.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

06-10-06, 12:42
Hi Hipster,

A big warm welcome to you. Here you will get lots of support.

Take Care


06-10-06, 15:21

welcome to the no more panic site

dont feel alone in this, as everyone is going through the same


06-10-06, 16:16
Welcome HIPSTER,you are not alone ,do,nt let this ruin your chance to get back ON TRACK.good luck with your new job let us know how it goes.lorraine:D

06-10-06, 18:34

Sorry to hear about all that, you will make a lot of new friends here and get loads of help and support. A big welcome to you!

x x

06-10-06, 18:57

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-10-06, 22:31
Hi and a BIG warm welcome to you !

Im sure you will find lots oF advice and make lots of new friends here!



Granny Primark
07-10-06, 08:29
Hi hipster,
Ive been suffering from panic for 15 months now and it does take over your life and change your personality. Finding this site has helped me loads the members are so friendly and helpful.
Read the success stories, they really do give inspiration.
Good luck for Monday and i look forward to seeing your post on the success stories.

Take care

07-10-06, 09:33
Hi hipster, I too suffer from panic attacks have been since june this year, I was also prescribed propranolol and they really did help me. They dont completely remove the panic but they do take away some of the adrenelin. Good Luck for monday you will succeed just keep telling yourself that.

Take care



07-10-06, 10:35
hi Hipster Ihave panic attacks too the best advice I can give is try your best to breath and tell yourself you will be ok ,it will be difficult but you can do it .Good luck and keep us posted on how you get on .This site has helped me loades and I know it can help you everyone is brill.

07-10-06, 14:09
Hi Hipster

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

Good luck for next week - you can do it ok? We are all here behind you so let us know how it goes.


08-10-06, 09:49
Hi again,

Thanks for all your messages of support, they mean a lot to me. I'm still worried about tomorrow but am going to give it a shot. I will let you all know what happens and touch wood it'll be good news.

Speak to you all soon.


09-10-06, 18:36
Hi all,

Got through the door about half an hour ago after completing my first day! Shakey this morning but no panic all day. Early days but I'm very pleased with myself. Will give it a bit longer and hopefully my next post will be in success stories.

Thanks all,


09-10-06, 20:59
[Wow!]Well done James,you did really well to complete a day,tomorrow will be better.All the best.

Ellen XX

11-10-06, 14:48
Hi there
my story is not that much different to yours, i also didn't work for a long time, a lot longer than you untill 2 years ago when i realised i had to get back to work, for financial reasons and for my own self worth, like you i was offered a good job and was elated only for the panic to kick in after 30 mins or so, i spent the whole time panicing and thought about ringing and saying i'd changed my mind, BUT i didn't i went despite the panic, i figured the panic could only be as bad as the depression i'd feel for giving up the chance so i just went, and although times are still tough and i do have bad days, i am still there and i'm glad i stayed.
Dont miss this oppertunity to move on, try it i'm sure having a new job and realising you're worth will build your confidance and help with the anxiety.

Sharon x

11-10-06, 17:15

Well done on doing it !! Way to go!


11-10-06, 19:22
Hi James

Welcome to the forum.


Lay me down roll me out to sea
Calling on a mighty wave to cover me
Lay me down roll me out to sea
Heaven if you're ready shine your light on me