View Full Version : Struggling so much

22-06-13, 21:50
Today has been the worst day of my life.

So for about 2 months now I've been getting Petechiae, the first time I got them I got quite a few on my hips and some on my back, I rushed to the Dr who said I was fine but wanted to do a blood test to calm my anxiety. All my results come back clear and he said I absolutely don't have Leukemia.

Since then I was still getting petechiae, sometimes I would only get about 4 or 5 and sometimes I would get like 10-12.

Whenever I walk around, no matter how tight my clothing, I do not get these spots. If I sit down and my shorts or trousers put pressure on my hips/arms I will get a couple, not always, just depends on what I'm wearing.

My problem is yesterday coming home from holiday, my feet (which are burnt) were so itchy and felt a little swollen, I was scratching them a lot, I was sat on a plane for like 3 hours aswell, having panic attacks as I hate flying.

Today I got out the bath and noticed two petechiae rashes on my feet, one on the left side and one on the right, in the exact same place. The left side is worse. This rash is sort of reddish but has spots in the red.

I'm trying to persuade myself that I must have violently scratched in that area because I was literally scraping my flip flop very hard on my feet, but I don't remember doing it in the area I got the rash, I only remember scratching the top of my feet.

I am panicking so hard because for about 3 weeks, I've had a tiny tickly cough, its a cough that doesn't actually make me cough, it just comes on like every few days, creates a tickle and stays until I stop thinking about it (right now it's not there but I can feel it creeping lol) plus for about 4 weeks I've had looser stools, like not diarrhoea as with Diarhoea you go to the toilet like all the time and can't keep food in for more then like 20 minutes, I go to the toilet once or twice a day, my stool colour is brown (normal) no blood or anything, but the stools sometimes come out really soft and at times almost watery.

These two symptoms are also driving me insane because I keep thinking I have a virus that won't go because of the leukemia thats also causing the petechiae (i don't have leukemia, i just think i do)

I'm seeing my dr next monday (finally!) and will ask him for a final blood test and maybe ask him for more answers, I'm not feeling very comfortable with his answer of just (some people are more prone) because these started suddenly out of no where (I think anyway, when I found them I wasn't looking or anything, so they did kinda just appear).

Sigh, I'm so tired of this lol please help guys :(

---------- Post added at 21:50 ---------- Previous post was at 20:30 ----------

Anyone? :(

22-06-13, 23:15
Hi there :)

I think that most people do have some Petechiae on their bodies somewhere.

I have quite a lot on my chest and abdomen.

I think your doctor is quite right in that some of us a more prone to it than others, rather like how easily we bruise, it's an individual thing.

I have had Petechiae for many, many years now and I'm still here kicking my way through life with no bad effects at all :D

If we all study illnesses and symptoms hard enough, I'll bet you we'd all have symptoms of every illness out there and that is because mostly, I would say about 80% of the time, these symptoms just mean nothing of any importance, it is only very rarely that they mean anything nasty:)

I would say with 90% certainty that the Petechiae that has appeared on your feet were, in fact, due to the scratching that you were doing. All that's happened is the scratching has caused little blood vessels to leak to the surface of your skin, I'm sure that given time, that will correct itself :)

Both coughs and loose stools can be caused by many, many different things but I think it's much more likely that they are caused by a minor problem rather than anything serious :)

It's good that you're going to see your doctor on Monday, I'm sure they'll be able to put your mind at rest, but you do have to believe them, however hard that might be, they are doctors, have had at least 7 years study and training to get to where they are today, they will know mostly just by listening to you, whether anything sounds nasty or not :)

Please let us know how you get on :)

22-06-13, 23:22
Thank you so much!

Sitting here tonight I think the stool problem is anxiety, the cough i think is also anxiety as it comes on only when i think about it.

Speak soon xx

23-06-13, 15:03
Good luck on Monday Reiss, I will look out for your post. I am sure you will be ok, but just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you.

23-06-13, 17:38
Thanks Di, but I just can't see this appointment going my way.

I woke up and the rash I have has gone down a little, but I now have two medium sized bruises on my feet, one above the ankle and one under it near the side of my foot.

The petechiae I have hasn't spread (touch wood it doesn't) and I'm still hoping this is just a simple cause from trauma (scratching and pressure) but I'm just beside myself with worry, what's worse is my boyfriend has gone away till saturday so im home alone till then, I'm just a mess.


23-06-13, 18:04
Hello Reiss,

I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Please do try to hold on to some positive thoughts - one of them being when you went to your doctor before, with the same problem, he was certain all was fine, and it was nothing to be concerned about, and the blood test he took to further reassure you was perfectly clear.