View Full Version : Well, Wasn't I A Clever Bunny??

22-06-13, 22:43
Last night as I was walking from the kitchen to the lounge, I managed to kick my sofa and completely rip out my little toe nail on my left foot :oopsie:

My OH had literally just gone out and had already driven off, so I'm left hopping around the flat spreading blood everywhere I went, whilst trying to think about what the heck to do :ohmy:

Anyway the brain eventually kicked in to action, and I did my best to sort the problem out.

I rang my diabetic nurse, who gave me instructions on what to do, which I promptly followed.

I don't think I have much luck with toe nails, especially the little ones, the year before last, I managed to kick something in the garden and rip the little toe nail out of my right foot.

Anyway all is well now, the wound is looking really good, if you know what I mean?? and it looks like it's already starting to heal, so all good there then :yesyes:

Think I might start wearing steel toe cap boots :roflmao: :winks:

22-06-13, 22:57
Glad tis healing AuntieMoosey. Got to be careful.
I am gutted tonight my laptop couldn't get me in chat room for quiz:weep:
I have messed about with it since 9pm
Got it back now tooooooooooooo late though
Take care and night nightxxx

22-06-13, 23:00
Thank you Magic :)

Good night and sweet dreams hun :hugs:

22-06-13, 23:42
oooh Auntiemoosie, I felt that !! It`s bad enough stubbing a toe, without ripping the nail off.

Hope it heals well.


Magic , I keep forgetting about the quiz night. I enjoyed the first one and had a good laugh at some of the answers. I was way out in my score. I will need to set an alarm to remind me.:)

Granny Primark
23-06-13, 04:26
Sorry Auntiemoosie but I laughed when I read your post.
I would have loved to have heard what you said when you did it. I bet you were hopping mad!:roflmao:
Hope your toe isnt so sore now.:hugs:

23-06-13, 09:34

I'm really sorry but your post made me really laugh...though painful for you I'm sure.... you raised the laughter level no end..sympathy came after laughter I'm afraid.

Hope its feeling a bit better now x

23-06-13, 11:21
Auntie Moosie, I feel your pain.

The other week, in the dark, I was playing with my Sisters dog and instead of me kicking the tennis ball, I kicked the paving flag. :doh: I was in a lot of pain. Felt like I'd damaged all my toes. Luckily I hadn't.
Stupid me was too scared to do anything about the pain or even see the state of my foot, until the next morning.:scared15:

Next morning, my little toe and side of my foot was a bit bruised and a bit swollen and I put wet kitcken roll on it, for a few mins.

Hope you are ok now.

23-06-13, 12:03
Oh Auntie Moosie what are you like? :) I hope it is less painful for you this morning :hugs:

23-06-13, 20:59
Ouch! But I'm afraid I chuckled too.....

This reminded me of the day before going on holiday & as i was about to get in the bath, i managed to kick the bottom end of one of our suitcases as my partner was packing it. It hurt my little toe really badly and I was swearing and trying to stop it hurting...... My partner said firmly "go and get in the bath!".

Next day, i kept saying to my partner as we trundled around the airport that my toe was killing me.... she didnt really take any notice. well, in the evening when we arrived at our apartment.... I took my shoes off & my whole toe had gone purple. I was so indignant.... And my partner finally took my pain seriously!!

24-06-13, 00:10
Granny!!.......now you know me...............a very delicate, well spoken and angelic Lady that looks nothing like a Cow! :noangel: :emot-pinochio:

What I said was "oh fiddlesticks!.....that was spiffingly uncomfortable! I say!!.....I have evidently knocked my toe nail orrrrrrrfff ok yahhh :winks:

I wouldn't have dreamed of saying anything like *%*~@>* that would be sooo unlike me :emot-pinochio: :roflmao:

.......hmmmmm..........that's it you lot..............go on then...............you have your laugh :winks:

Remember though, that Christmas is coming..........and I'm already putting together my "naughty" and "nice" list :p :winks:

But I really do thank you all for your kind words and the laugh, I do love a laugh ya know :roflmao:

24-06-13, 19:56
I wanna be on the naughty list!! Tee hee hee..... :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness: :buttkick: :madness:

24-06-13, 19:59
The naughty list sounds like much more fun :D

24-06-13, 22:15
just catching up......

Moosie moo how toe-tally horrid that must have been. owwwwww!!,

You shoe-ld be careful what you are doing.

Don't dig your heels in and rest up....it is good for the sole

I am not saying you are a clumsy moo but if the shoe fits ;)

give yourself time to heel, you’ll soon hit the nail on the head.

put your best foot forward we all think you're doing a toe-riffic job


25-06-13, 00:02
just catching up......

Moosie moo how toe-tally horrid that must have been. owwwwww!!,

You shoe-ld be careful what you are doing.

Don't dig your heels in and rest up....it is good for the sole

I am not saying you are a clumsy moo but if the shoe fits ;)

give yourself time to heel, you’ll soon hit the nail on the head.

put your best foot forward we all think you're doing a toe-riffic job



Thank you Emmz :winks:

Tessar judging by the naughty little smiley there...........it would seem to me that you're pretty used to being on the "naughty list" :winks:

Annie you're going down the wrong path :winks:

And hactually, I've got a few little plans up my sleeve for Halloween and Christmas, that's once I've cleared it with Nic and she ok's it :)

So I'm okay..........I shall just sit here quietly and patiently and bide my time..........."she who laughs last........laughs the longest and loudest" :winks:

Do have sweet dreams, I know I will :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

25-06-13, 08:04
Tessar judging by the naughty little smiley there...........it would seem to me that you're pretty used to being on the "naughty list" :winks:

Annie you're going down the wrong path :winks:

Historically, I always got the blame, even if I didn't do it..... Because I always looked guilty :weep:
But now I quite like the idea of being a rebel :scared15:

Annie, join the naughty club...... I'll lead you all the way down the naughty path.... :winks:

25-06-13, 10:00
I would like to be a member of the naughty club.
I am a naughty girl anyway :lac:

25-06-13, 18:26
I would like to be a member of the naughty club.
I am a naughty girl anyway :lac:

Ooooh you are naughty, but I like you anyway :winks:

(anyone remember Dick Emery and his catch phrase "ooh you are awful but I like you"

25-06-13, 23:23
Oh Tessar I loved Dick Emery :yesyes:

Well foot injuries part 2!!!!

Today it was time to put the anti worm treatment on my girlie kitty cats, this is something that has to be done every 3 months, but we have to have trauma's and dramas all the way!!!!

Anyway I decided to start with Miss Molly, she's a real "Lady" in every sense of the word until it comes to this job!!!! She is nearly 10 years old and has been having this done since she was a tiny kitten, but it gets no better, believe me!!!

So I got a hold of her while she was stationed on my lounge floor, Ian, my next door neighbour/friend, always gives me a hand when I have to do this and we've got it down to a fine art now!!! or, at least, I thought we had :roflmao:I had my flip flops on because we'd been in the garden, forgot to change them and whilst Ian was putting the stuff on Miss Molly's neck, she decided to go into full reverse over my foot, talking a few layers of skin from my big toe with her:ohmy:

This injury is to the same foot as the missing little toe nail, please someone tell me that it's not going to come in threes :huh: otherwise I'm not sure what's going to happen next, all I do know is that I'm being overly cautious about my feet, what I'm doing with them and where they're going :winks:

Tomorrow we have to do Sophie, my youngest cat, and she ain't no lady ever!!!!!!! so really strict precautions have to be taken with that one, I think I might wear other half's steal toe capped boots :roflmao:

Granny Primark
26-06-13, 00:17
Oh good heavens you do seem as though your in the wars.:hugs:
But anyway you have given us a giggle.:hugs:
A couple of months ago I turned over in bed and fell out trapping my head between the bed and the bedside cabinet. I couldnt get up so shouted my hubby to help me.
He looked at me and burst out laughing!:mad: Then asked me what I was doing on the floor. I said "making you a cuppa coffee what do you bl..dy think?"
I told him that it was his fault cus if I cant sleep he says just lie on the edge of the bed then youl soon drop off.

---------- Post added at 00:17 ---------- Previous post was at 00:12 ----------

.I want to be in nmps naughty club please. You have so much more fun when you are naughty.:yesyes:
Il have to learn how be naughty tho!:winks::winks::winks:

26-06-13, 00:18
I love it Granny :roflmao: :roflmao:

Poor you though, I bet you wondered what the heck was happening!!!

Anyway, at least we can see the funny side of things, it doesn't half help if you can do that in life and luckily we can :yesyes:

26-06-13, 08:24
Oh good heavens you do seem as though your in the wars.:hugs:
But anyway you have given us a giggle.:hugs:
A couple of months ago I turned over in bed and fell out trapping my head between the bed and the bedside cabinet. I couldnt get up so shouted my hubby to help me.
He looked at me and burst out laughing!:mad: Then asked me what I was doing on the floor. I said "making you a cuppa coffee what do you bl..dy think?"
I told him that it was his fault cus if I cant sleep he says just lie on the edge of the bed then youl soon drop off.

---------- Post added at 00:17 ---------- Previous post was at 00:12 ----------

.I want to be in nmps naughty club please. You have so much more fun when you are naughty.:yesyes:
Il have to learn how be naughty tho!:winks::winks::winks:

I'm afraid this made me laugh, esp. The quip about dropping off.....
I once snipped my finger (needed steri strips) as I was cutting up apricots for the birds (we'd run out of sultanas)
We saw a toddler throwing a paddy in a cafe at the weekend, it slipped down thro it's chair and got its head stuck (it wasn't in any danger) served it right!!!!!! It was quite funny too

I can see we are going to need some special Naughty Classes!!!! :blush::mad::lac:

Granny Primark
26-06-13, 16:03
Lol tessar. Il be a good teacher for you you. Lol:winks:
Im naughty but nice, just like a fresh cream cake!:D

27-06-13, 21:10
I managed a whole day without doing anything daft!
Moosie I saw some beautiful cows today, made me think of you!!

---------- Post added at 21:10 ---------- Previous post was at 21:09 ----------

Lol tessar. Il be a good teacher for you you. Lol:winks:
Im naughty but nice, just like a fresh cream cake!:D

Oooohhh yummy.... Cream cakes.... Now u r talkin' Lynn.
When do lessons begin?