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06-10-06, 12:21
My name is Ray - username is derived from my middle name (Bryn) and GB (i.e. Great Britain). Found this link whilst trying to find some help/any help with my phobia of medical procedures. I sometimes faint even when having blood pressure checked, having a dental inspection, reading about people who have received an award for giving blood and even seeing David Attenborough letting a mosquito drink his blood will do it! Have just smashed my wrist in an accident on last day of my holiday and need to seek help before an op next Tuesday......


Granny Primark
06-10-06, 12:29
Hi ray,

Welcome to this site. I cant give you advice about your phobia but im sure there are other people on this site who will give you the advice you are so obviously in need of.
Hope the operation next tuesday goes well, im sure youl be fine.

Take care

06-10-06, 12:29
Hi Ray,you will get advise here,I hate hospitals,bloodtests ect.But I have never had to have an op.Im sure someone on here who has can offer you some helpfull advise.Your gp maybe able to offer you some medication to calm you down a bit.
Take care;)

Ellen XX

06-10-06, 12:41
Hi Ray,

A big warm welcome to you. We are all here o help each other.

Take Care


06-10-06, 12:52
Thank you for your good wishes. If anyone out there has any words of advice, however small, it will be appreciated. My wife is very supportive but she has had major heart surgery and my broken wrist/forearm must seem fairly trivial by comparison. I tried the 'conditioning' or 'de-sensitising approach through my GP a few years ago. For me, it seemed to miss the point. I am not scared of syringes and in fact use them as a tool in car mechanics occasionally....but a syringe in someone elses hands is a different matter. I just feel absolute terror and may cry, sweat profusely and almost certainly pass-out. At Menorca airport where I fell on the escalator (arthritic hips and walking with two sticks probably the cause - could not find lift) my blood pressure fell to 80 over 40 and caused some concern until I explained my tendencies to the excellent airport nurse. Music can help me not to dwell on the medical phobia but hospitals tend to disallow it during drip insertion etc. Someone holding my hand whist I behave like a baby also helps. Unfortunately, doctors and nurses are generally too busy to accommodate such minor comforts.


06-10-06, 15:21
hiya ray

welcome to the forum

look forward to seeing you on here

06-10-06, 18:45

Welcome to the forum.

x x

06-10-06, 18:49

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

06-10-06, 22:31
Hi Ray and a BIG warm welcome to you !

Im sure you will find lots oF advice and make lots of new friends here!



07-10-06, 01:31
Hi Ray,

A warm welcome to the site. Nice to have you on board.

Take care,


07-10-06, 09:39
Hi Ray.

Welcome to the forum, and good luck with the op.

Take care.



07-10-06, 14:11
Hi Ray

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.


13-10-06, 17:13
Just an update:- Had my forearm/wrist operation on Tuesday and was discharged about 3 hours ago. I have a history of fainting ay anything remotely medical but I tried the self hypnosis technique on this site. I cannot claim that I was less petrified but I did not faint even once.....needles, drips, fellow patients being worked on - nothing triggered my usual antics. Fascinating! Perhaps hypnosis is really worth a try.