View Full Version : In a predicament

23-06-13, 12:37
I saw it coming over a month go, I'm now in full blown depression. I knew my thoughts were more negative that usual and I didn't feel 'right' for a while (saying and doing things that felt out of my control). For the past week I've been feeling like I'm weighed down my lead, my negative thoughts are shouting at me to the point where I can't sleep, I hurt like I have the flu, I keep making mistakes at work and all the energy in my body is just sapped out of me.

Last time I felt like this I was referred to a mental health service for treatment, of which I am still on a waiting list for, and a week and a half off work. The depression passed on its own but I never felt fully recovered because I had no treatment. I asked for medication later on but was put on Citalopram, despite me saying it made me suicidal in the past, and came off it a couple of months later because I struggled to get a doctors appointment for a repeat prescription. Since then I've tried to self-help, it worked to some extent.

Now I don't know what to do. I can't be depressed. I need to work, despite barely being able to get out of bed. If I'm signed off again our financial situation will get worse and I have a wedding to pay for. But yet with six shifts in a row to get through the thought of it just makes me want to crawl under the duvet, especially knowing who I'm working with today. I know I should probably see a doctor but it will be fruitless, they will just sign me off work and probably throw pills at me, they certainly won't do anything about my treatment or offer me anything like that. So I'm really stuck and hopeless.

23-06-13, 17:06
Sorry to hear that Rennie. How long have you been waiting to see the Mental Health Team.

23-06-13, 17:27
Can you ask to see a different doctor at the surgery? If citalopram didn't work for you the first time round, they should let you try a different medication while you are waiting for your therapy.

23-06-13, 17:31
I have found the workbooks on Centre for clinical intervention very helpful and this one in particular maybe of help to you http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=37
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

23-06-13, 18:38
I have found the workbooks on Centre for clinical intervention very helpful and this one in particular maybe of help to you http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/resources/infopax.cfm?Info_ID=37
Sending you hugs :hugs::hugs:

Yes I recommend those workbooks too - I've found the ones on general anxiety very helpful. :)

24-06-13, 00:31
Hi there Rennie,

I'm so sorry that you're finding things going out of your depth right now.

As well as the treatment for your depression, have you ever had any other blood tests or anything done??

I know that depression and anxiety can make us feel absolutely dreadful, both mentally and physically, but it might be worth having some general blood tests done just to make sure that you've not got any kind of anemia, as that too, can zap the energy right out of you and effect your concentration.

Last year when I thought I was having a depressive episode, I had a few other symptoms going on too, which could easily be put down to anxiety but, thankfully, my GP picked up on it quickly and I had a blood test done and it came back that I have pernicious anemia. Please don't be alarmed, it's nothing scary or anything, I just have to have an injection of B12 every 3 months to keep me topped up :)

It's only an idea, but I always think these things are better just checked out, they can check your levels for iron too at the same time.


24-06-13, 17:42
Flori - it's not the Mental Health Team per say, they're called KCA New Thoughts and are based in Surrey. They assess people using a questionnaire and conclude from that what treatment you need. I've been on a waiting list since end of November last year.

Sparkle - I've seen two different doctor. The first was a bit hesitant about prescribing me antidepressants because of my history, the second was clueless. Appointments are hard to get so I see whoever is free.

Annie - I will definitely give it a read on my day off, thanks for the link.

AuntieMoosie - I've had two blood tests in the past, regarding my mental health and they're normal, I have high haemoglobin levels and previous doctors have been clueless as to why I get so tired. I thought it was a normal symptom of depression.