View Full Version : Lump in throat

Anxiety Jim
23-06-13, 14:32

I've got what feels like a lump in the back of my throat, it seems to move around a lot and I'm constantly trying to swallow it but it just stays there. Eating, drinking etc can't seem to budge it, so now I'm thinking it may be cancer?

I had an endoscopy a few months ago, and I had slight oesophagitis, but everything else was fine. Do they look at the top of your throat? Could it be mouth cancer? I had a lump on the roof of my mouth looked at a few weeks ago, dentist said if it gets a lot bigger he'd "pop" it, and it has been getting bigger.

I'm terrified.

23-06-13, 14:42
The most likely explanation for this is the globus sensation, which is very common with oesophagitis. If there is indeed a lump there, it would have been noticed on the 'scope, and so for such a rapid growth cancer would be relatively unlikely. Much more likely is local inflammation or a benign growth, depending on the type of oesophagitis you have.

Anxiety Jim
23-06-13, 14:58
My oesophagitis was sright at the bottom just above my stomach apparently. I've had acid reflux for years, but it doesn't feel the same as this. The lump feeling feels like it's right at the top of my throat.

Thank you for suggesting it was globus, I've looked it up and it does seem very similar to what I'm experiencing. I still can't get this fixation of cancer out of my head though.

23-06-13, 15:04
It's understandable. Any new symptom we face immediately sets alarm bells ringing. The scope itself will travel through the pharynx and along the entire oesophagus.

23-06-13, 15:46
Have you seen the forum we have dedicated to this problem Jim - it may help?

23-06-13, 17:06
JIm...anxiety can cause the lump in the throat feeling...acid reflux can as well...my ENT says I have LPR which is similar to GERD but it happens when the acid reaches the vocal cords and throat..cause sore throat, lump in the throat feeling, hoarseness, excess mucous, constant throat clearing, trouble swallowing, ear pain, neck pain...it can be quite distressing if you have it...