View Full Version : Thinking forward too much

23-06-13, 16:22
Does anyone else have this problem where they think forward about things and worry about them, then when it comes to it everything is fine?

This can vary from day to day things to future events.

23-06-13, 16:26
Hi I constantly worry about everything it has been a long term problem and can be very tiring, somebody said to me once I worry about worrying!!, dark of night is usually the worst time when the thoughts take over. :)

23-06-13, 16:28
Yes all the time :)

23-06-13, 16:43
Me too. I always find something to worry about.

23-06-13, 17:38
Yep me to..i have had a constant solid 3 monthday and night worrie about what is to come for me.im so used to it that it feels like my new norm..when i get over my worried place.ill be in heaven

23-06-13, 17:57
Yes, me too. I believe it is called anticipatory anxiety and very common among sufferers I would imagine.

23-06-13, 18:42
Hi all,
Yes GAD is all about worry, and worry is nearly always about the future.
And when we are anxious we catastrophise everything, and imagine the worst.
Worry like this is compulsive but is very unproductive. As you say, normally what you predict is not what actually ever happens.
Try setting a worry period for say 30 minutes in the early evening and when you find your mind worrying, make a note of the worry and postpone in until your worry period. When the period comes around, if you still want to worry then do so.... But just for 30 minutes.


23-06-13, 18:53
@phil6 - my therapist taught me about 'worry time' but you have to work really hard at it to make it work! It is a good idea though and has helped me when I have a lot of things going on in my head at once :) definitely worth a try.

23-06-13, 19:56
My problem is I think then panic I won't make it to that date or ill die etc.

23-06-13, 21:33
Yes, this is the source of all of my anxiety. 'what if' I did that wrong and this happens, and 'what if' that happens.
Then it never does and I've wasted all of that time and energy worrying! It still doesn't stop me though.
It's exhausting.

23-06-13, 21:35
I notice I always do it when I'm having a tough patch as when I'm feeling fine I can think of something I would normally worry about and it doesn't bother me.

Granny Primark
23-06-13, 21:52
Thats me all over! I think far too much in advance. If im not worried bout something im worried cus im not worried.
I so wish my mind could just go to sleep now and again.
Ive always loved reading. I cant concentrate now on a book cus my mind is in so many different places.