View Full Version : constant anxiety

23-06-13, 18:06
hi im new to this group but in desperate need of help !!! im constantly thinking im going to drop dead at any point, ive got 3 boys who i worry aboug all the time such as who will looj after them when um gone, ive been on citalopram for the last month, i xan see slight improvement but still having these horrible thoughts i currently convinced that i have a brain tumour it is realy getting me down now weep:

23-06-13, 18:25
What makes you think you have a tumour or will drop down dead?

23-06-13, 18:26
I am sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment. It sometimes takes a little longer than a month for the citalopram to work but if you don't think it is helping you them maybe you should speak to your doctor about it. Your doctor might also be able to refer you for therapy and reassure about not having a brain tumour. :hugs::hugs:

23-06-13, 18:35
Hi wilky and :welcome:

I know the feeling only too well and I sympathize. It`a a horrible feeling. I have a 23 year old and I still worry how he will cope if something happened to him. His dad died of cancer and he found it really hard to cope. My son was only 16 and an only child. We never stop worrying about them.

Keep telling yourself you will not drop down dead. That you will be ok. I know it`s not easy, but it is your anxiety and you will be ok. Try listening to some relaxation videos on you,tube.

What ages are your sons wilky.

Are you going for any CBT .

23-06-13, 20:50
thanks for replys guys means alot, ive just got in my head that i havent got long left to live ! my boys are 13 10and 4, ive veen to doctors many of times about how im feeling and theyve said theres nothing serious going on but then i tgink to myself what if theyve missed somehing !!!! ive been referred for IAPT but not until august, im going to opticians on thursday vut im thinking about aaking my doctor to send me for a brain scan, i tgibk its the only thing that will reassure me xxx