View Full Version : Fed up of feeling so run down

23-06-13, 19:51
As you all know I suffer from HA, I'm currently going through CBT but physically I just feel so crap all the time, right now every part of my body aches and my chest is so tight. last night I went out for dinner and I just felt so edgy and out of it, my legs felt shakey and I just wasn't comfortable, my chests been tightening alot recently and I constantly feel something is going on inside me which is ultimately going to kill me in a second.
I've had an ECG done, and had full bloods done at the end of April, both were fine. Everytime I'm at the docs my BP has been fine, my temp was up a little but generally chest etc was fine. I just hate feeling like this, worn out all the time, run down. I get sore throats every few weeks, if its not that its headache and neck ache, or fatigue. I really don't know what to do, I find it highly unlikely if I tell my GP he will give me bloods again given that its been less than 8 weeks since my last ones, but I'm just so fed up now x

23-06-13, 20:29
Have you read this post:


Loads of advice in there on how to look after yourself

23-06-13, 20:35
Ill have a look thanks Nic.