View Full Version : was doing ok all morning till now.

24-06-13, 14:27
Was ok all weekend and when I got up this morning im suffering with hay fever and have HA. Got to work and was fine then all of a sudden went all funny started shaking and balancewent off felt dizzy but didnt go dizzy then started panicking getting all worked up cant still now seem to calm down now im sat at mum mys still major anxious. Juat dont know y now It came on.

Never used to be like this. Just dont know what to do. Anyone else going through the same

24-06-13, 15:54
Yeah, the sudden random attacks are the worst sort. I think it's often hyperventilation that lies behind them, whether we realise it or not. For example you mentioned you have hay fever, and whenever my nose is stuffed up atm I end up overbreathing worse than normal for i think hours at a time. Then eventually I come over all dizzy and awful feeling.

I find reading a really absorbing book or playing a game on my tablet computer is often the only thing that will distract me enough to let my breathing get back to normal. Slowing it yourself is all well and good, except as long as you're focusing on it it's not going to be normal.

24-06-13, 16:04
Yes I agree with Freaked, I was finding that hyperventilation was bringing on my sudden attacks (I always felt I was not hyperventilating) and I also have a little hay fever and that makes it worse.

The doctor gives me Desloratadine tablets for my Hay fever and since I have had them everyday it has helped with my sudden panic attacks

24-06-13, 16:16
Hey guys Thanks for your reply. Just dont know what has triggered it. My mum thinks maybe I have an ear infection or something. I know I do have a ear wax build up which I dont think has gone yet and thats not helping. I don't think. Just scared off going to the docs incase they tell me something bad which I know sounds so bloody stupid. I went for what he told me was hay fever and got prescribed nasonex

24-06-13, 16:25
With ear probs it could also be vestibular vertigo (dizziness caused by your inner ears). I've struggled with it for years, and I have a friend who's always had terrible hay fever but only recently got her first bout of vertigo from it. She did not enjoy it. But it's nothing serious, just highly annoying.

24-06-13, 16:34
Yeah its just the unbalanced/dizzy feeling that is freaking me out still dont feel gd now. Trying to take my mind off it but so hard. Used to get brain tumor worries but think I have dealt with that if I had one id know by now. I just feel really stupid about it all hard to stop the part of my brain that panics from doing it. The rational part ofy brain says being a tit but the panicky part just takes over. If that makes sense