View Full Version : tiredness

24-06-13, 14:33
Hi I am really worried for the past week I have felt extremely tired all the time sometimes to the point of just closing my eyes and sleeping where ever I am I also feel a bit muzzy headed and woozy I am worried this is something serious I am quite stressed at the minute I have 2 young kids to look after, l get a bit of a headache and feel like I can't think straight its horrible does this sound like a brain tumour, I am having a blood test on Friday as I have had low ferritin levels before, please help thanks toria x

24-06-13, 14:37
im having the same problem at the moment, real bad fatigue, acheyness, headaches and woozy balance issues, my bloods were fine as was my eye tests etc, apparently im just run down, really sick of hearing that saying now x

24-06-13, 16:16
Me too, I go through stages like this. I think it is the anxiety.

24-06-13, 16:22
Anxiety does make you feel really tired and sleepy.

24-06-13, 16:43
but what if im not anxious? or am i subconsciously anxious?

24-06-13, 16:44
stress has a funny way of catching up with you sometimes

24-06-13, 17:57
I think a lot of anxiety can stay at a subconscious level. I can have a few really "good calm" days or so I think. Then WHAM I go really dizzy which then triggers my panic and sets me back arrrgh!!!!! Keep battling its all we can do xx

24-06-13, 18:30
Thanks for replys it means a lot it helps, sorry you are all feeling like this as well.x

24-06-13, 18:53
Yeah I get it now, eugh so frustrating hey? X