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24-06-13, 15:12
ive been on citilapram just over 5 weeks now, and im on 20mg, to get my prescription i have to ring my surgery to ask the nurse to get me a prescription from my doctor because cit cant be put on repeat my question is i want to try 30mg cos i dont think the 20s are enough, can i ask the nurse over the phone to ask the doctor to up my dossage or would i have to see the doctor in person??

24-06-13, 15:29
I made an appointment to up my dosage to 30mg cit recently but the doctor did not know what i wanted to discuss beforehand. When my mood has evened out he said you might want to drop down again to 20mg.

24-06-13, 15:57
ive been on citilapram just over 5 weeks now, and im on 20mg, to get my prescription i have to ring my surgery to ask the nurse to get me a prescription from my doctor because cit cant be put on repeat my question is i want to try 30mg cos i dont think the 20s are enough, can i ask the nurse over the phone to ask the doctor to up my dossage or would i have to see the doctor in person??

I think 5 weeks is probably too soon to make this assessment; I would advise to revisit this again at the 8 week point. My own experience is that 5 weeks is barely enough time for the starting jitters to fade.

Are there specific reasons why you think 30 might be right for you? Did you come to that conclusion yourself, or have you been speaking with a therapist or someone else? I think it's really important to have third party assessments like that. Many of us, lost in the fog of starting the med, need extra opinions...

But on the issue of who increases your dose, yes, some docs will do it for you if you phone in. But with this particular med, I would advise an in-person visit. I would always err on the side of caution with these meds.

I hope you feel improvement soon!

24-06-13, 16:01
i just dont feel any different to what i did b4 cit, so i thought 30mg mite make me feel better

24-06-13, 16:18
Ah okay. Well it might be the right thing for you to try another dose. I'd just bear in mind that with each dose change there is some additional period of adjustment, typically ~2 weeks or so.

It may well be that you need a higher dose... or that it isn't the right med for you. In any case, it often helps to take a longer term view, and I think you'll determine what you need within a few months.

Why not call in and see what they advise.

24-06-13, 16:38
thanks keith,