View Full Version : glands update

24-06-13, 16:42

Well I thought I would post an update on my swollen glands.

Doctor had told me to come back middle of July to see how things are going (he isn't in the slightest concerned about my glands).

I freaked out last week and decided to go see him Friday. I could feel him rolling his eyes before I even walked in lol.

I specifically went this time 'cos I wanted him to feel my glands and see what he thought. He had a really good feel, not just my neck but my armpits and chest and collarbone area.

He has said that they are smaller than the last time and any he can feel are basically pea sized. He said they feel just like I'm getting over something - he said they do NOT feel abnormal. He went on to say that nodes in people with tonsilitis are actually a lot bigger than mine.

I am so glad he said they have shrank because I thought the same too. He is sticking by his guns and saying come back middle of July if no better.

Well I am pleased to say the pain and neck stiffness has eased dramatically. In fact I have not even had a painkiller since last Tuesday. Previously I was on 4x a day. I can say that some of the nodes under my ear have gone on one side.

Obviously there is a concern that this has been going on for so long and there are still enlarged nodes, plus the fact that they come and go.

I am starting to think now that they are finally easing and it must be a slow process. I might be clutching at straws but atleast things have not got worst!!

Now I must focus on eating, I have missed so many meals with worry the last 2 weeks and think ive lost weight. I am NOT going to get on the scales and scare myself shitless.

I have also decided that it is OK for me to have a beer each night if it calms my nerves.

Feeling calm today, hoping the storm is over.

24-06-13, 18:21
Hi there....really pleased that things are settling for you.
Hope you enjoy your meal this evening!!

24-06-13, 18:56
Really good news :-) x

24-06-13, 19:08
That is great news.
I had my own issue with swollen nodes, in particular one 2.4cm one in the neck!
I think I actually damaged it myself by poking so hard.

But at the time, I read online about the lymphatic system. And specifically about how lymph nodes work. Basically they do not have a circulatory system, meaning that once they are inflamed (from infection) there is no way for them to self drain quickly. That is why they take a long time to get smaller, and usually only do so gradually. And I read that the lymphatic cells usually lead to a change in shape or form of the node, such that it may never return to the same size/shape as before.

Mine is still there, and it is still larger than it was. But it hasn't changed in 1 1/2 yrs.

And the Dr also told me cancer lymph nodes NEVER get smaller, only bigger.