View Full Version : D day tommorow!

Mr m anxious
24-06-13, 20:05
Hi all
Seeing neurologist tommorow, I'm hoping I get some answers but dreading getting bad news although I doubt one appointment will find answers. Still have left sided issues, neck, shoulder (trap muscle), chest and arm. Felt my neck muscle at back and was solid! Not really surprised as my ha was sky high due to worrying about neuro diseases. I moved my new washing machine into place today and my shoulder and chest on left side was stinging afterwards. My muscles seem to be compressing on my nerves everytime I do something physical. Really hope all my issues are due to stress and posture, wish me luck!

24-06-13, 20:07
I hope all goes well for you tomorrow. :hugs:

Mr m anxious
24-06-13, 20:09
Thanks Annie.

24-06-13, 20:20
good luck for tomorrow x

Mr m anxious
24-06-13, 20:21
Cheers wilky

24-06-13, 21:07
Fingers crossed 4 u!!!

Mr m anxious
24-06-13, 21:34
Thanks tessar

24-06-13, 21:41
Good luck for tomorrow x

24-06-13, 22:20
Good luck let us know how it go's for you :)

24-06-13, 22:42
Good luck Mr m, hope all goes well.

24-06-13, 23:02
Good luck mate.

Let us all know how it goes.

Thinking of you.

24-06-13, 23:08
ah- good luck Charlie hun- will be thinking of you- the fact it is aggravated by physical things is a "good" sign i reckon (if you knowwhat i mean!)
My left arm symptoms seem to be "spreading" to my neck now- i guess all the muscles /nerves are linked and necks v susceptible to tension.
please let me know how it goes,
love ccat x

Mr m anxious
25-06-13, 00:04
Thanks to all, much appreciated, I kind of think it is muscle tension based cos I never had any of these symptoms before ha kicked in and when I go to bed I feel completely normal and wake up normal, it's only when I'm stood up I feel aches/pain or being physical. I will post on here tommorow and let you all known how I went on, if you don't hear from me it could mean I'm too depressed to type.
Oh Charlie cos you have similar issues my diagnosis may help you, let's hope it's cure able eh!