View Full Version : Just been put down massively, feel deflated.

24-06-13, 20:51
So just been talking to my other half about plans for new year seen as hell be at home for the whole of December and he's just come back from tour of duty for 6 months, so we didn't get to spend last year together he's back now but I've had one weekend with him since he's been back and the rest of the time he's spent at home in Belfast.
Anyway, I've just been on about holiday for new year and he's completely just put a downer on everything, saying I'm planning too much, I need to make a list and prioritise it, I'm really upset as a few months ago I couldn't look at the next day for the fear of me not being able to make it, I'm still incredibly anxious about holiday in July but I thought he'd be encouraging me to plan more, the things he's listed aswell are things for me, my teeth, driving, buying a car, my degree etc so I don't know why he's digging me out when it's not stuff that I'm expecting him to do aswell, and this holiday in new year was actually his idea, now he's saying this.
I asked if we could go away for my birthday in november and he said he can't afford to do both (he earns alot of money and is just say on about 10k as it is) its just frustrating as I can't afford alot at the moment but he still let me treat him to dinner Saturday and pay a 80pound bill, I don't mind but it just seems to be one way and this isn't helping me.
What also upsets me that we've been together 10 months and there's still no nearer to me meeting anyone of his family, not even a mention yet they keep saying they want to meet me I don't want it to look like its me.
I'm fed up as he's constantly meeting my friends and family yet I'm still a complete stranger. It don't help towards my anxious mood atall and I'm just really down in the dumps now. X

24-06-13, 20:59
Hi shivmarie, I'm sorry u find yourself n this position. I wish I knew wot the answer was..... It Sounds like you have made lots of progress. It's so hard in relationships, especially our closest ones. Maybe he thinks he is saying all the right things but doesn't realise how it's coming across. I know that having shared some of my relationship issues here, I've had some really good advice, some of it has been based around hearing other people's reflections on my situation with my partner. It's hard to know what's going through another persons mind isn't it? In the end people encouraged me to ask my partner about stuff rather than stay wondering about what was happening in their mind. This has helped me. Often I was over thinking stuff. But as I said it is difficult. Hopefully U might get some helpful advice from others here.

25-06-13, 21:14
Thanks for your reply. I hope so! X