View Full Version : just need to talk

24-06-13, 22:41
been since may 13th iv been feeling like crud I had been doing good first started in 2000 I had got off the drugs and was doing good until may 13th when out of nowhere I had a panic attack then I ended up in the er 2 times hospital once several diferent meds and im finally starting to feel better but still doesn't take much to start a anxiety attack im on sick leave until aug 1 and I constantly worry will I be able to go back can I get things together before then I hate these feeling sorry just need to vent and maybe some advice from people who have been there

24-06-13, 23:18
Hi there....sorry you are having panic attacks again. I'm glad that you are starting to feel better, and dont forget the medication takes quite a while to really kick in, so i'm sure gradually things will improve. I know what you mean about not taking much to trigger a panic attack, but give it time.
Try not to worry about being well enough to start work in August. Just take a day at a time and see how it goes. The worry about that is not helping i'm sure, i know how stressful it can be trying to be well by a certain date. If you're not up to going back to work by then i'm sure the Doctor will extend your sick leave.

Take care....

24-06-13, 23:23
thank you I just need reassurance sometimes from people who truly understand and ill try very hard to be patient and take it one day at a time

25-06-13, 23:46
Thing is when we suffer from anxiety and depression, being patient seems nearly impossible. When given medication for most other illnesses, improvement can usually be felt within a few days, but antidepressant medication can seem like an eternity until it starts working.
I'm sure things will improve soon.
Keep in touch.