View Full Version : neck feeling weak?

24-06-13, 23:51
Good evening all.

In addition to my usual left arm feeling weird- numbness/tingling etc now the left side of my neck feels odd- kind of "weak" and like it goes into a little spasm :ohmy:

I am waiting for nerve test on arm to see if it may be cubital tunnel syndrome.
i think the nerve does go up into neck?

My shoulders feel all tense- everythig kind of cracks- do you think i'm "holding" tension in my upper body ?

any advice much appreciaed- i get terrified about neurological stuff :wacko:


Mr m anxious
25-06-13, 00:21
Not all neurogical stuff is scary, I used to be afraid of the word neuro cos i associated it with a disease, but it can relate to posture syndromes also like upper cross syndrome and thoracic outlet syndome. Yeah any pressure on the neck nerves can cause issues in the chest, arm, hands, shoulders and back. So cos of our tense muscles and seeing though the left side seems the weakest that's why a lot of use get similar issues and unfortunately through googling we get worse case scenarios. And of course we believe them cos of our ha, then we tense up again and make matters worse.
Oh and by the way anyone reading this who has muscle twitches in their legs I can tell you that's it's caused by poor circulation through crossing your legs for long periods, mine stop when I uncross my legs and start moving them.

25-06-13, 01:02
thank you mr anxious x I hadn't heard of those Yes you are right - anxiety kind of feeds on itself- worsens symptoms. its driving me crazy at the moment. I am trying to sleep nice and straight - limbed on my back- hard cos i've always curledup into a ball!- but i think this MAY have contributed to the arm problem (lying on arm and having it sharply curled up for hours x