View Full Version : worried jerking at night

07-10-06, 08:01
Hi I have been perscribed citalopram 20mg and I strated taking it four days ago and I have been finding it really hard to sleep as I have been jerking out of my sleep and I get twitches over my body. My doctor says she has not heard of that side effect which is really upsetting me as i am worried about my brain now. I am also taking diazepam with the citalopram on some days. I have previously taken 10mg citalopram but it did not cause this reaction. I have been worried about jerking do you think you can sub consciously bring on the symptom?

07-10-06, 08:04
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi I have been perscribed citalopram 20mg and I strated taking it four days ago and I have been finding it really hard to sleep as I have been jerking out of my sleep and I get twitches over my body. My doctor says she has not heard of that side effect which is really upsetting me as i am worried about my brain now. I am also taking diazepam with the citalopram on some days. I have previously taken 10mg citalopram but it did not cause this reaction. I have been worried about jerking do you think you can sub consciously bring on the symptom?

<div align="right">Originally posted by louloucl - 07 October 2006 : 08:01:16</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


I tried citalopram last Thursday but came off it after three days as I could not sleep. I managed 8 hours in three days, which I decided was not good for my job. I'm to see doctor this thursday about it.

Not sure about the jerking, never seemed to have that.


07-10-06, 13:10
Hi there,citalopram takes time to kick in.I had side affects for two weeks before things settled down.I do get what i think is jerking,usually in the morning when Im sort of waking.I dont think its the citalopram I think its the anxiety.I usually get the jerking when Im really anxious as well.
Take care;):);)I also take diazepan when needed.

Ellen XX

07-10-06, 13:35
Well I do jerk alot in my sleep - this is because I regularly fall off cliffs!!

My jumping/jerking I've been told is almost a letting go action - when your body gets to a certain point of relaxing and lets go you feel that jerk.

Well I feel some sort of jerk [:I];):D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.